Company: 3i Infotech
Hi friends,……
This is Shubham, after clearing the written test of 3i-infotech which was held in Jan,2007, there was GD and Interview occured in different sessions in company’s delhi office. In my GD group there were 14 participents and among them 9 were selected for inter view. the Topic for GD in our batch was ” Beauty Peagent should be banned?..” during discussion the company people were only watching that which candidate is speaking or not weather right or wrong…….
after that i was called for inter view……there were one madam and one sir present there for taking interview…….madam asked total HR questions based on CV, e.g……..
1. Tell about ur self.
2. why are u leaving ur existing company?.
3.Asked about hobies
4. Asked about daily routine u have valid passport?..
6.asked about different courses which i done after B.E.?
7. Why not i am going for Ph.D. weather several international and national papers i published in diffrent conferences?..
8. Asked me for put my questions……..i asked……
a. what type be bond structure will be there?..
Ans.. There will be bond for 2 years during this my all the orignal certificates will be submitted to the company, and if i break the bond in first year then will have to pay Rs.86000/= and in second year Rs.100000/= has to pay.
b. among lot of modules how many modules will have to learn individuals? Ans. each particular has to be undergone some specific moduleand will be declared after selection.etc..
After that some technical question were asked by Sir:
1.Difference b/n switches and routers and uses of the same
2.Significance of firewall…
3.How to use firewall?
4.What will u choose networking or Server?
5.How can be two different networks can be made members of same domain?.
After i was asked that result will be declared in first week of June………I m hopeful for positive.
A. Shubham