What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and store data, applications, and services over the Internet instead of relying on local servers or personal computers. This model provides on-demand availability of computing resources, enabling users to utilize services such as storage, processing power, and software applications without the need for physical infrastructure. […]


Answer: A 50 km Solution: Let the real separation voyaged be x km. At that point, x/10 = (x + 20)/14. => 14x = 10x + 200 => 4x = 200. => x = 50 km.


Answer: C 120 liters. Solution: Let keep 800 cc steady and compute the measure of diesel for 800 km 800*60/600=80 liters. Presently, ascertain diesel required for new separation i.e. 800 km, 80*1200/800=120 liters.


Answer: B 160 km Solution: At 12 O’clock, A cover 40km and on the opposite side B at 11 o clock cover 40km, again they went towards each other (which is really the separation between them), that is A needs to make a trip 2hr (From 12 to 2 at 20km/hr.) i.e. 2*20=40km and opposite […]


Answer: A Rs.13200 Solution: Anirudh contribute for 8 months, Harish contributed for 6 and sahil for 4 months in the proportion of 5:6:4 so proportion = 5*8 : 6*6 : 4*4 => 40:36:16 => 10:9:4 So sahil’s profit= (4/23)*75900 = 13200


Answer: B Solution: 3/4 of his offer = 75000 So his offer = 100000. 2/3 of business esteem = 100000 So add up to esteem = 150000


Answer: C Solution: Lets expect Total benefit x x * (1-1/3-1/4) = 5000 => x*(12-4-3)/12 = 5000 x = 5000*12/5 = Rs. 12000 so An’s offer = Rs. (1/3*12000) = Rs. 4000


Answer: C Solution: Speed downstream = (13 + 4) km/hr = 17 km/hr. Time taken to movement 68 km downstream = (68/17) hrs = 4 hrs