Accenture Placement Paper & Interview
Company: Accenture services
Accenture Fresher Job Interview Placement Paper Pattern
Company Name : Accenture
Type : Fresher, Job Interview
Hello Friends,
I am VIGNESH doing my final year engineering in K.L.N.College Of Engineering. I Appeared For Accenture on 24/04/2010 conducted by Anna University For Madurai Zone and Fortunately I got selected. Let me introduce my experience and the procedures for Accenture. The interview conducted at Sree Sowdambika Engineering College at Aruppukottai. As we entered into the college they told that we will have G.D first. They divided 15 into a panel. But G.D is conducted for 30 members and the time duration is only 15 minutes. My topic was “Education System In India“.The Discussion look like a fish market. I just put froth a single point that’s it. Finally 8/30 got selected in my panel and in the whole 250/991 got selected.
The next round was Written test – We 250 move for written test:
For Accenture the pattern is:
1. Verbal(20 Marks)
2. Quantitative (20 Marks)
3. Logical (20 Marks)
Here they asked:-
1.Articles(4) Ex: I saw __________ man near ______ park.
2. Synonyms(3 Marks)
The Sentence will be given and you have to provide the meaning for italized word.
3. Preposition (3 Marks)
Ex : Archana was living there _________ 1990.
a. from
b. since
This section is very easy knowing the basics Of grammar you can pass through it.
4. Comprehension(10 Marks)
Two Passages will be given but not so hard. you can the answer directly from the passage.dont go through the whole passage First read the questions and then search for it.
For Me they asked one relative to Operating System and another a story based they were easy. I am sure you can score atleast 17 marks here.
2. Quantitative(20 Marks)
Basic Problems were given. You can go through R.S.Agarwal and for any shortcuts you can refer Abhijit Guja. Practice is more preferred than Preparation. Practice well because Time matters here. They asked from Time and Distance, Time and Work, Calenders, Trains and most important Venn diagram but they were very easy(6-7) questions asked from venn diagram. Ex : Twelve like coke, fifteen like pepsi and five like both how many of them like one only. Some puzzles related to Seating Arrangement were also asked you can go through Non verbal of R.S.Agarwal.
3. Logical ( 15 Marks): Very Easy Section I think You can start from here but you should be fast.
In this section they asked related to basic Puzzle giving some condition and asked the answer. Ex : For an admission in a college, the conditions are (i)the one should complete 20 yrs (ii) He/She Should be Well Fluent in English (iii) He/She should pay one time payment of Rs.65,000/-
A) If all three conditions are satisfied admission is given
B) If condition (ii) fails he/she should be referred to the principal
C) If condition (iii) fails he/she should be referred to Director.
Qn 1. Vimal is 21 yrs and have good knowledge in English but he cant pay the full amount.
Ans: Referred To Director.
Like this there are nearly 4-5 qns. Next, type is if + becomes * , – becomes / , * becomes + and / becomes – like this they will ask qns(nearly 5 qns), and remaining 5 qns on to find similarities.
Ex : (i)111000 (ii)111100 (iii)111000
a) if all similar
b)if (i) and (ii) similar
c) if (i) and (iii) similar
d) if all are different
I am sure you can score 15/15 in this section. Totally you can score more than 45/55 in written test. Here 60/250 were shortlisted for HR Round The Next Round was HR Round. I entered at 5.30 pm
Me : May I come in mam.
HR: Yes
Me : Good evening Mam
HR : Are you Tensed?
Me : A little bit mam.
HR : Ya, Introduce yourself
Me : while i was introducing myself she asked something related to it.
HR : What are all your hobbies?
Me : Singing songs but the problem is my friends gets irritated when i start to sing.
HR : Laugh Louder
Me : Continued about Travelling because i have mentioned it as one of my hobby
HR : Where are you from?
ME : Told and explained the speciality of my city.
HR : OK do you have any jobs in hand?
Me : No mam
HR : Will you Relocate?
Me : Yes Mam. Even if you throw me in anypart of India I will work
HR : It’s too over that’s Irritating
Me : Sorry mam
HR : I am just joking, tell me what do you know about Accenture
Me : Told
HR : About Your Family Background
Me : Told
HR : Do you have any questions for us?
Me : Whats the right shift symbol in accenture indicates mam?
HR : That means we are moving forwards.
Ok do well in your technical interview i just give my feedback to merittrac member.
Me : I am confident that i will be selected as i thought i moved through next round
Here 46/60 were shortlisted for Technical Round. The Next Round was Technical Round. As I am a ECE student i was discussing with circuit branch friends from other colleges. I entered at 7.20 pm
Me : May i come in Sir?
HR : Yes vignesh please
Me : Good Evening Sir
HR : So, shall we start vignesh
Me : Yes Sir
HR : First we start on Digital Communication
Me : OK sir
HR : How can you block the low frequency component
Me : Told that by using Filter I can block
HR : He asked without using Filter how can you block
Me : Told
HR : Find out the equivalent Resistance from this figure
Me : Told
HR : Explain how you did that
Me : Explained Well.
HR : You are the only one to solve this question upto now. Good
Me : Thank You sir( Actually in the given circuit there was a short circuit between two loops on removing that i found all resistors in series,because short circuit has zero resistance)
HR : What is an Rectifier?
Me : Told
HR : Draw a Full wave Rectifier without using Center tap Transformer
Me : I did that( using voltage source )
HR : Ok you have mentioned that you know C in your Resume
Me : Yes Sir i did my certification course
HR : well what are all the header files in C
Me : Told
HR : What will happen if stdio.h header file is not declared
Me : I told there will be no problem the program will compile and run successfully
HR : Are you Confident
Me : Yes Sir
HR : What are the difference between scanf and fscanf
Me : Told confidently
HR : He asked me a puzzle( In the hotel they will provide 1kg of banana for 20th customer and 1kg of Apple for 36th customer what is the minimum number to get the both)
Me : Told 180
HR : Ok, He asked me another puzzle( If I and my friend are walking through the circle in same direction, I can come back to starting point in 4 minutes and my friend in 9 minutes. Whe will we both meet at starting point)
Me : Told 36 minutes
HR : Ok Vignesh wait for the results vignesh.
Me : Thank you Sir nice meeting you
Accenture Placement Paper & Interview
About Accenture
Accenture plc is an Irish-based multinational company that provides consulting and professional services. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $44.33 billion in 2020 and had 569,000 employees. In 2015, the company had about 150,000 employees in India, 48,000 in the US, and 50,000 in the Philippines.visit offical webiste of Accenture for more details.