Accenture services Placement Paper
Company: Accenture services
Guys this was my 4th cmpy after TCS,INFY,CONGNI…. for you guys who havent got placement for first few cmpys…..I strongly advice u to BE POSITIVE….just give your fight for watever cmpy u r applyin…. I know how it feels lookin at peers whoz got placed…..but tell u itz just tht u just DONT GET DEPRESSED…GIVE FIGHT and very very imp HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE….. it helps….think MAY BE u r DESTINED for a much better cmpy…..i can say it from my exp..i m feelin really better to be placed in ACCENTURE, a truly MNC compared to TCS….
now let me tell u the total procedure……….
ACCENTURE believes in havin a good better improve yr English speakin skills…many ppl were thrown in HR just because they werent able to speak eng properly or may be they had done many grammatical mistakes in ESSAY writing….
they had…
1.APTITUDE TEST(55q in 1hr)
just dont worry… chk as many papers from net….n read more n more questions….so tht u get aa proper idea abt howz paper and further prepare yrself for the same….i did the same….day before test i used to browse thru those papers,reviews n NO RS or any stuff like tht…though many of my frnds did refer to RS….may help…but not necessary….
APT includes da same ie verbal,quant,logic..
within verbal 2 passages(go for it atlast), further choose the correct sentence or wring one from those 4 sentences mentioned……
then bit of fill in blanks for fillin appropriate words…(bit vocabs req here)
over n above if u have good grasp over english i dont thk u really need to put in much efforts…
as far as quant is concerned….there are some5-6 venn diag related qs
further some of data sufficiencies…
logic is easiest ….go for it at first ….u r supposed to identify same options for eg: which of these are same
1>123.8989 2>123.8998 3>123.8998
mark 1. if 1st and 2nd are same
2. for 2nd and third same
3. 1,2,3 are same
4. none are same
so here ans 2.
der r some other qs as well in logic…but most of them r gettable…..dont worry!!!!
Now how to crack…..
see 55qs in 1 hr
2 big passages(1 gen techy other non techy)
normally cutoff 35 out off 55
so now solve all qs in paper whichever reqs less time….but do try to solve from each section….i dont know but ya they may consider sectional cutoff… better be cautious
Once APTs got over…u are supposed to write ESSAY for just 5min
I know u might gettin panicky…..but dont worry…topics are very simple ..i got IT INDUSTRY IN INDIA…
generally topics are WHY ACCENTURE…IT GROWTH…normally reltd to IT
Accenture services Placement Paper