Adobe Systems Placement Paper
Company: Adobe Systems
There are 3 sections.
A. analytical: 15 questions 15min (reasoning mcqs)
B. quantitative: 30min 30 questions (maths and generic mcqs)
C. Computers: data structires (linklist and graph.. a question on quad-a tree with max 4 nodes), algorithms (writing a few), compilers (make a dfa of a given expression), output evaluation
[1 hour]
D. C/Java: 5 questions of C paper
1. count the bits required to be altered while swaping values a and b
2. rotate an array using reverse
eg .. arraA[1 2 3 4 5]
u have rev(arrA, 2, 3) -> arrA[1, 2, 4, 3, 5] using this .. rotate arrA
for this kind of a solution
rotate(arrA, 2) -> arrA[3 4 5 1 2]
3. reverse a linklist using recursion
4. check for divisibility by 3 without using /,*,% when you have itoa() available
Adobe Systems Placement Paper