Company: Allfon
Hi Friends
Company: Allfon Systems, Chennai.
Place: Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Date: 16-06-2006
type: fresher (campus)
The selection process consisted of the following steps.
1. Group Discussion
2. Written Test
3. Problem Solving Round
4. HR Round
5 Technical Round
The Group Discussion was a major elimination round. The candidates were divided into a group of 20 and each group was given a topic. Some of the topics which were given are..
1. Is china a threat to India?
2. Is GD necessary for selection process?
3. Food first, ethics next.
4. Business Process Outsourcing.
Candidates with good marks through out were given a higher preference. The Written test was in the afternoon. The test was for 1 hour with 60 questions. There were no negative marks, but there was section cut-off mark. The paper consists of 2 sections. 30 questions on technical and 30 on quant. The quant problem consisted of areas like trigonometry and more. In the technical section the 1st 10 were SQL queries in areas of INNER JOINS, LIKE. The questions were based on 2 given tables. There were also question on OS, C.
In the next round all the candidates were given a problem each and asked to solve.
After that was the HR round. This round was very easy, with most of the question being standard one’s like,
1. Tell me abt urself
2. Explain me ur project
3. What r weakness and strength?
4. r u willing to relocate
5. Why Allfon should select u?
6. What is so special in u than the other candidates who are out?
In Technical Round first every one was given a few C programming puzzles and were asked to solve. Most of the problems were on string operation and some on sorting the elements of the array. The interviewer also asked the mechanism of how the problem is solved.
There were also question on Project. Code of the important functions were also asked to be written. If u have done any additional course expect some question on that also. Other than that some basic question on areas of OS and Data Structures.