Allfon Placement Paper
Company: Allfon
Topics Are:
Group Discussion [GD]
Aptitude Questions [AQ]
Technical Round [TR]
And then HR Round
The Whole Interview Starts with Group Discussion Please be prepared, and Get to know about different GD Typs if you need help in preparing GD you should refer to Group Discussion extensive information that is available at
Aptitude Round:
The Aptitude Round will have Questions for Aptitude from various books such as R.S Agarwal and other. You can Find a lot of Aptitude Information from
Technical Round:
We all know that if you are not perfect in technical round chances are that you will be filtered out at this round, You as a candidate attending this round need to be extra vigilant and prepare your self for most tough questions, you should also cover topics which fall outside of your curriculam, This gives a bit of added advantage, remember having an advantage is really help full when attending an interview with 500+ candidates trying to get the same job.
Technical Rounds questions will be basically about Database [ DBMS, RDBMS ], Programming [ C, C++, JAVA ], They might ask other questions as well be prepared is the what we Say at
The Final….
HR Round: This round is nothing but a formality, you should make it to this round to be able to enjoy things that go in this round, you should be bold here though demand what you want, be firm on what you say, and be thorughly prepared on your Resume, simply donot write anything you like to write. Write what you know, Write what you can explain, Write little but informative. Remember this is a resume not History Books That is what we say at
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Allfon Placement Paper