Company: Amdocs

Hi Friends

110 students sat for the aptitude test out of which 20 where sortlisted and finally 10 were selected. I was one of them after getting rejected in Infosys and Accenture.

The recruitment process consists of the following rounds:
1) Aptitude test (General + Technical)
2) Technical Interview
3) HR Interview


The duration of the test is approximately 110 min. It was an online test. There were a total of 95 questions to attempt.

There is 60% sectional cut-off for both sections.that is what i heard but i dont think that they follow it strictly as i wont hv got depends on the performance of ur batch.
every right ans has +1mark and wrong ans has -0.25 marks. so be careful if u dont know leave the question.

test paper has many sets.

The aptitude test comprises mainly of two sections:
1) General Aptitude Test-contains 3 subsection
2) Technical Test-contains 3 subsection

General Aptitude test
The general aptitude test consisted of the following sub-sections:
1) Quantitative Ability 20 ques(25 min)
-toughest part of the test as time is very less.questions were not so easy.i was able to do only 11 ques.trick(when u press submit time stops and ask for confirmation if u press cancel u will be brought back to question page)try this at ur own risk as they might rectify this fault.
3 ques on set theory(venn diagram) not so easy prepare set theory thourougly from R.S Agarwal.
2 ques on clock-damn easy took 1 min to get the ans.
next 5 ques was very easy.-no prep required
5 ques were like $ represents 1 and 0 represents * then 4 is represented as $**.some common airthmetic were given u hv to calculate result and just have to convert the no in binary.time consuming.
i forgot other ques but they where not so easy u hv to prepare R.S Aggarwal thouroughly.

2) Comprehension (15 min)
-damn passage was on connecting computer. I even dont hv to read the passage as i know 8 ans out of took me 7 min in total to find remaining 2 ans and crosscheck my ans with the passage.

3) 15 easy questions (15 min) on substitution ques like + is *,* is -etc, pattern matching, reasoning. it will take no more than 12 min.

Technical Test
The technical test includes three sub-sections:
– SQL (15 min)
– UNIX (15 min)
– Language (15 min) (Here you can choose between C, C++ or Java)
I chose C for the language test.

1) C
ques were very easy if u know even a little bit of c u will be able to do 15-16 ques. 20ques(25 min)-ample time.
a)int a=10;
b=a++ + ++a;
b)what is the function used to read n write a specified no of line from file?

2) SQL (15 ques,15 min)
-very tough only one who is very comfortable with SQL can answer.
ex-what is truncate?some tables were given output is given u have to select a query that generates that o/p.
two three ques i even didnt understand
u hv to go through IVAN BAYROSS to clear this sec

3) Unix (15 min)
he UNIX section comprised of 15 questions mostly on unix commands.
Some of the questions were as follows:

1) Which command would you use to change the priority of a running process?
a) nice b) ps c) top d) ls
Ans: a) nice

2) Which command is used to display the output of a command as well as store it in a file ?
a) cat b) grep c) tee d) top
Ans: c) tee

3)which command is used to go to end of line in vi editor?
a)a b)A c)e d)E

4)what is the extension of main memory in hard disk is called?
ans-swap space
like this easy ques where there on unix.if u r bit familiar with unix u can clear it but u hv to remember commands with their options.
i use to work on linux so i cleared this section with ease.

2) Technical Interview
My technical interview is of about 60 minutes. it seems to be long but when u r inside u never feel it and u just hv to ans patiently as ques are very easy n bit tricky. A good knowledge of SQL and C is a must. U must know at least the basics command of unix otherwise u will be rejected.they will just ask u to write 10 commands of unix and they will ask ques on those 10 commands only.

Well my first question was are u very tired?
Then hobbies
Ur fav subject-i told OS n C.
Then they asked me abt semaphore,write code for it, explain give a practical ex where u will implement semaphore?done with this easily
Then they asked deadlock-i answered
Relation between semaphore n deadlock. i was not able to ans properly.they were not satisfied with my ans this time.
ask me abt projects if i hv done any.i said i hv made a small site on asp.then they asked its functionality, ADO databse connection etc of which i answered half of questions properly.

an int datatype of 1 byte.
int x=0;
for(x=0;x<256;x++) print(x) what is o/p. I answered wrong. o/p will be an infinite loop, he helped me to ans this. its given in kanetkar find out how.Then they got into sql (my weak part and they recognise it). asked ordering of groupby, having, orderby in a query ? how they are executed in memory and then i was not able to ans any ques on this. Then they asked views, how they are updated n bla bla. I was lucky as i know views properly i answered max question this time.then they come to unix. they asked me ever hv u used a platform similar to unix. as i work on fedora 8 it was my strong part. asked me to write 10 commands. easily done. Asked some questions on groff, troff, ifconfig, ps, jobs, kill, killall commands. I answered all of them easily, they were little impressed for the first time. satisfied with my unix knowledge again move to C. this time very simple ques. what is pointer, hw u allocate memory to them etc. then they asked me are u doing any project for be?. I said yes told them abt my project as i hv already decided the project, it is related to networking. They asked me abt router,bridge,http packet, how packet got transfers frm one pc to another? I answered all this very efficiently as i hv some idea abt networking. Finally they said do u have any ques to ask? i asked what should i do to improve myself technically? They said go through as many courses as u can n improve ur database knowledge specially queries, rest is fine.3) HR interview Dont take it as time pass as it is equally prepared with general hr questions.then only u can get through it. ques were very general like why amdocs, tell me abt urself, weakness, strength, family background,relocation etc. it was for around 20 minIt seems to be very long and drilling process but if u are confident and keep urself fresh its easy to clear all round.