Company: American Megatrends India (AMI)

Logical Reasoning:

1. 3 types of chickens : Baby chickens cost 5 cents, hen chickens cost 3 dollares, rooster chickens cost 5 dollars. Buy 100 chickens for 100 dollars.
How many will you have from each?

2. Calculate : (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)….(x-z)?

3. What is the day after 4 days after 2 days before the day before tomorrow?

4. 2 trains each of length 1 mile enter into 2 tunnels of lenth 1 mile and
2 miles apart. speed if trains are 5 and 10 miles/hr. Give the postion as
viewed by a helicopter when the trains meet?C h e t a na S

5. A says I’m not guilty
B says C is not guilty
C says A is not guilty
If all above are true. (i) Can we say anyone is guilty/innocent?
(ii)Who is most likely to be guilty?

6. 18 story building – Accountant’s office is 5 times the lawyer’s office.
Architects office 2 floors up then he is halfway between Dentist’s &
Accountant’s office. Architects office halfway down means between Dentist’s
and Lawyer’s office. Give the order?

7. How many tennis matches are to be arranged to conduct a tournament
with 213 players?

8. In a family 7 children don’t eat spinach, 6 don’t eat carrot, 5 don’t eat beans, 4 don’t eat spinach & carrots, 3 don’t eat carrot & beans, 2 don’t eat
beans & spinach. 1 doesn’t eat all 3. Find the no. of children.

C/C++ :

a. void main()
char a[6] = “INDIA”;

1. india 2. I N D I A 3. no output 4. error 5.Null

b. protected derivation

c. int m = 10;
int m = 20;
{int m = 30;}
printf(“%d %d”,m,::m);

1. 10 10 2. 10 20 3. 20 10 4. 20 30 5. 30 20 6. None

d. inline function is used to
1. reduce program size
2. reduce memory size

e. void func(float newtotal)
{ newtotal = newtotal-2;
float tot = 100.34;
float sum = tot;
cout< }1. 100.34 2. 99.34 3. 101.34 4. 102.34 5. Nonef. unsigned char snapnib(unsigned char misc) { int aloha, hamalo; hamalo = aloha = misc; misc = (hamalo << 4)+((aloha & 0x0f)>>4);
int getinp;
unsig char getmisc;
getmisc = snapnib(getinp & 0xff);

1. Change line 4 to misc = (hamalo >> 4)+((aloha & oxof)<<4); 2. remove the 5 3. Change line 4 to misc = (hamalo >> 4)+((aloha & oxfo)<<4); 4. Change line 11 to getmisc = snapnib(getinp); 5. Nothingg. main() { int getinp = 6; while(--getinp) { printf("%d",getinp); if(getinp++ != 3); else break; if(getinp-- != 5) continue; else getinp = getinp - 2; }1. 5421 2. 5420 3. 541 4. 6543 5. 5410h. unsigned char inn[2] = "5"; int i,j = 0; sscanf(inn,"%d",&i); while(i) { i = i - 1; j++; printf("%d",++j); }1. 14 2. 12 3. 24 4. 35 5. nonei. char *fn(int num) { char a[] = "Amen"; return(&a[num]); } main() { int i; char *prechar; scanf("%d",&i); (input is 12) prechar = fn(i); printf("%c",*prechar); }1. a bus 2. give string "Amen" as global 3. use return(a[num]) instead of return(&a[num]) 4. give main before fnj. unsigned char u = 32767; unsigned char y = 32768; u = u + y; printf("%d",(signed char)u);1. 65535 2. -65535 3. -1 4. 1 5. nonek. *name = "ANYTHING"; *foo = "ALRIGHT"; *name1 = "WRONG"; strcat(name,name1); printf("%s %s ",name,foo); return(0);1. ANYTHING WRONG? WRONG? 2. ANYTHING 3. ANYTHING WRONG? ALRIGHT 4. ERROR 5. NONEAssembly :
i) swap 2 variables without temp variables
(use XOR, OR, AND, NOT)