Company: Anz
1. analogies (from barron)- 8 ques.
2. technical section -os(most of the ques),ds(5-20),dbms(3-5),networks(1-2)
3. analytical/logical section -12 ques. (5ques. based on 1 ques.,5 ques. based on other,2 ques.simple)
4. data sufficiency -20 ques. (practice from ims material)
5. c test – 5 ques. (easy)no quantative section
1. given ip address detemine the class
2. terminal emulation (OSI LAYER) – application layer
3. int a;
is there any error or warning ?
ans. no compile time error but run time error
5. analytical ques. on rectangular table 8 persons sitting and some conditions (solved eg. in barron)
6. analytical ques. based on table method given in barron
(author names, publisher, book name)
7. marine animals, terrestrial animals, amphibians – express it using venn diagram
8. some equations- solved by knowing 1st stmt,2nd stmt,both or none
9. difference between windows 3.1 and windows 95
10. some ques. on unix
11. concurrency is NOT a feature of c++
12. ada is a strongly typed language
Interview tips :
-they have a lot of ques. on os
-unix versions, virtual memory, processes and threads,
-not asking dbms
-some ques. on data structures
-prepare ur project report properly
-for some full hr no technical
-they will respond strangely on your answers so don’t deviate be confident on your answer