Company: Aricent Group
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur. Today I m going to share
mine experience of Aricent campus placement.
Written Test: There is no negative marking…. u will get every section separately.. mean u will get first one first n before completion of its time u will be given next one….n u will be asked to stop first one a do next one… thing i want to tell.. this process is really pressure creating….n u will have to be calm n cool
Section 1: Verbal ability
practice articals n preposition…. don’t take it easy..
u may think that u have screwed up ur paper……but don’t give up….bcoz every one have done the same.
Section 2: Analitical ability
don’t mess up with a particular problem… u can’t solve all.. just chose easy one and do it
because of time limit u can’t do all….so why not to attept easy one. practice IBM or Accenture paper.
Section 3: Mental ability
It was damn easy… u have to score a good marks in it… if want an edge over other….practice more through….any marittrack paper as of Accenture or IBM.
Section 4: Operating system, data structure and algorithm
Frankly speaking I m very good in data structure.. but it is not worth while to attempt it first… as it has long cords and u have to find o/p
or error……attempt operating system first and then algo……
If u will go for data structure first u will certainly get screwed….have a good concept of operating system…
Section 5: C or C++ (choice is urs)
I have chosen C n kanitkar book was very help to me… if u want to qualify.. u have to be very good in this section.
question were on increment operator, decrement operator, pointer, variable passing to function, array, enum, structure, file. question was very basic… go through objective book of kanitkar.. u can’t do without it.. u need a practice.
Section 6: Comprehension
u will be given one comprehention most probably on some technical issue.. I was given on sso.
it will be followed by 10 question.
In my coll question n comprehention was given together but question may not be given with comprehention.
first of u will have to read the comprehention n then u will have to answer that question without looking back to ur passage.
Section 7: E-mail writing:
in 5 min u have to read question as well write the mail on certain condition. mine condition was…
there is a cloth show room…. which pay back amount with in the 3 days of purchase….a lady asked to refund the amount after one week….
u r manager of showroom and u have to write apology mail to her.
panel was very cool.. doing everything themselves.. very down to earth.
I was first for interview. The person who was taking interview come outside n escorted me to the interview table. I wished him. he asked me to give an introduction of myself. Meanwhile he was seeing mine profile… from up to down.. for that I was ready n u may say it ws my luck….I had a lot of certificate to show.
He was very much impressed. He asked me about my different subject from first semester.. frankly speaking I was frightened. I couldn’t tell him. Who remember….what is chemstry and mechanics.
But suddenly he stopped asking all that. He asked me the difference between unix n linux. I screwed up….
After that he asked me about mine favorate subject……i told computers networks.
He asked what it is……I defined……
He told me to draw a network… I draw an hybrid one……he asked me about token ring.. I answered satifatorily…..then he came to different layers…asked different function of all.. then why TCP/IP.. what it is… if not then what.. I answered satisfactorily…….
After that he asked me to write a program of factorial that compile in first go without any warning or error. I did with for loop. He then asked me to write with recursion….I did..
Consider all condition of negative and positive. Never skip up any condition…
After that he came to operating system and asked about interrupt… described it to his satisfaction including all taking from interruption handling n mode switch n context switch.
Completed……tech. I was relaxing. suddenly one member came from came n asked me to follow him. I did.
After going into the room, he told me that he will talk more on programming… at that time I was really scared bcoz I was expecting hr. he gave me a program to write.
Conditin was as follows….
U have to take one number from user of integer type. It is of 32 bit and u have to count the number of 1 and 0 in it. I did it……it was a good program….n u can’t do it without practice.. so if u want to get into it.. practice programming on paper not directly on moniter… bcoz writing code on paper is really tough.
After that he asked me question on unix… a senario created that make me laugh today itself..
He asked me that u don’t know unix n want to learn it……what u will do it?
I told that first of all i will purchase a book n try to read it.. if find any difficulty then consult to faculty then to my senior. He told me that let u don’t have any of this thing then what u will do? I told that I will use my internet.. will go to google and type unix tutorial… he starts to smile.. then he asked me that do u know what a ’MAN’ is?
I replied the appropriate answer….that it is a command to know about a particular command. He told me that can’t u use it.. that time I told him that….sir u told that u don’t know unix…then how I will able to use it….n my comp may not have unix install in it……he started to laugh….he was impressed…
Then he asked me about……networking(tcp/udp/ip), message passing in operating system… mine second round of tech was superb.
Then after 3 hours I was called for HR…..asked me about mine background and mine family background….it was 4th company in my campus….he asked me about any offer from other company. I told him that I m sitting for campus interview for the first time. I didn’t appear for any other company. he was shocked….he asked reason.. I repeated the same lines what he had told in the ppt 2 days before campus.
Then he asked how u can take such a risk to leave all other company.. I told that I was a bit confident that I will get through this exam.. then he told me that u r not… u have done so bad in ur tech.. now what u will do next. I told that after result declaration I will get feebback from u and after improving myself on certain areas I will apply for off campus if not selected from this campus… he was very much satisfied….then he asked me about mine preferable location to work bcoz I had left that column blank in the form what they had given.. I told that as Gurgaon, Chnnei and Bangalore all r new to me.. I don’t mind working anywhere as I have to explore any of these cities..