Paper: ATOS ORIGIN Pattern & Interview 10 AUG 2007
In my opinion the written round was reasonably tough. There was negative marking and sectional cut-off. Practice a little R.S. Agarwal.
2.Quantitative – time n distance, work, venn, sets, linear equations, there were more i don’t remember.
3.English – Reading Comprehension, synonyms, analogy, fill in the blanks, more. but i don’t remember
4.Essay – They said that this is NOT A DISQUALIFIER. the essay will be gone through during the interview to “assess your thoughts
My interview was a “Piece of Cake Tech and HR interview happened simultaneously. Most of my time was spent in answering HR questions.
The questions that I can remember are
1) How would you dynamically allocate memory to an array
Ans:- int n;
int * p;
p = (int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
2) What is return parameter of a constructor
Ans:- constructor does not return anything
3) How will you make it return something
Ans:-Send address of return variable as an argument to the constructor. store in pointer and modify
4) How is multiple inheritance done in Java.
Ans:- Using interfaces.
5) suppose you have a class C address 192.168.0.x is for router
How many other systems can you connect to this network
Ans:- I said 253, but i am not sure about this answer.
6)Where do you see yourself 2 years from now?
7)where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
8)If u r not happy with ur job, how will you let your superior know?
10)If I tell you to learn a new language (Say COBOL) in a week. will you be able to do it? how?
11)Family background
12)3 Strengths. 1 Weakness. How do u plan to overcome?
Some questions asked to my friends.
1)What is Oracle. What is SQL Server.
2)Explain network model, heirarchial model, relational model (RDBMS)
3)9 balls are given. 8 balls have equal weight. 1 ball has different weight (maybe more or less). you have one weighing scale. Minimum number of measuring to detect the odd ball.
Around 60-70 appeared for written
19 were selected for interviews.
12 were selected finally. (7 Btech. remaining Mtech/MCA )
They gave a pen and a Swiss army knife to those who were selected
Amit Dey