Hello frnds, This is Rahul Batra pursuing MCA from Punjabi University,Patiala. Atos Origin visited our campus on 22nd of June 2008.around 150 student participated in the placement process out of which 45 were short listed for interview round n Finally 15 students were get placed…
Here i m sharing my personal experience with you guys. n i hope it will definitely help you people for getting placed atleast with ATOS….
Eligibility Criteria:
10th,12th,Grad or Current degree: 60%
After getting rejected by TCS,INFY. i had taken participate in atos origin’s campus placement drive…
n finally my luck played in my favour n i got placed with Atos Origin.
There were three sections in the written test.
1) Apti .(RS Aggarwal is sufficient for that)
2) Reasoning (needs some practice)
3) English ( Quite difficult)
There was negative marking of .5 mark in the test so be careful while attempting the test..all you need is 30% of practice,20% of time management & 50% of luck… so if you are not able to get placed with any company then please dont loose yor self confidence, it does not mean u dont have potential.. just think Something better is waiting for you…
Written test was quite difficult, since you have to finish yor test with in 75 min n there are 100 questions in the test. there was sectional cutoff also bt dont worry just attempt those much questions which you are sure about…
I attempted 12 questions from Apti section out of 35 ques. since i was sure about there answers. n acc to me cut off in this sec was of 7-9 marks. n from Reasoning sec i attempted about 18 ques out of which i was sure about 16 ques.
English sec it was really a high level eng even upto GRE level.. so u mush have strong touch with eng.. there were Two paragraphs in the test one was Very large while other was small n Smaller was tougher than the other. so concentrate on Large paragraph.
Synonyms n antonynms were also there… i attempted 10 ques from this sec n acc to me sec cutoff for this sec was 3-5 marks…
so i conclude attempt only those ques which you are sure about….
Then interviews started they took HR n Tech interviews simultaneously….. some discription abt my interview. it last for 20 mins n it was very first interview of my life… I entered in the panel, there were two young men they asked me to have seat.. they asked for a passport size snap i gave to them then my interview started..
HR> tell me about yourself?
ME> told….
HR> How was written test?
ME> it was difficult n it needed a proper time management…
HR> Asked about my family background,dad’s business all that stuff…
ME> my answers to that questions were impressed them.
HR> which all subjects u like the most.
ME> c,c++ n data structures.
HR> he started asking ques from DBMS..
ME> i gave average level ques.
HR> then he asked to write a progam on BUBBLE SORT.
ME> i started writing a i got confused between SELECTION n BUBBLE SORT. then he asked to explain with the example. i did.
they asked 8 tech ques from me . i replied only for 4-5.
i suggest u people dont bluff with them, they will definately catch u. so simply say “sorry” for which u are not sure about.
then they asked some ques based on PPT to check my presence of mind..
n i started giving some funny answres they were also laughing at my answers..
HR> Any ques from your side.
Then i left the panel with a hope that i have finished my job at my best… n also results were in my favour..
i was one of those 15 short listed students.At the end we were rewarded with the caps also…