Company: Adp India Pvt. Ltd
Hi all,
This is Sainath Reddy. I attended ADP placement interview on 2nd jan 2012
The pattern of the interview is as follows
1.Written test
2.Two techinal interviews and
3.One HR
The written test is an online exam.It consists of different sections (55 QUESTIONS-55 MINUTES)
Section-1:VOCABULARY (10Q-10marks)
In this Analogy and sentence completion only.
I did nt remember what was given exactly in Analogy EX:
A. curtail:activity B. expunge:book
C. edit:text D. censor:play
And sentence completion is very easy.
Prepare Simple interest and compound interest problems(4 Q) and age problem,tmie and distance,mixture,probability,Number series problems.
Prepare coding and decoding .Most of the questions are from coding only and also simple puzzles.
Section-4:COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE (10Q-10marks)
It is on C and other programming languages,
A small passage followed by 5 questions (Quite EASY)
After these all sections a topic was given to write in 10 minutes.
The topic which was given to me is COMMITMENT.
450+ Students were attended to the placement.40 students were qualified in written test.Finally 5 people were selected.
All the best guys