BPL Placement Paper

Company: BPL Telecom Limited

Paper: BPL Placement Paper (Technical)


1.What is meant by polymorphism
Ans. Redefinition of a base class method in a derived class

2. What is the essential feature of inheritance
Ans. All properties of existing class are derived.

3. What does the protocol FTP do
Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification

4. In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol
Ans. Connection oriented.

5. Why is a gateway used
Ans. To connect incompatible networks.

6. How is linked list implemented
Ans. By referential structures.

7. What method is used in Win95 in multitasking?
Ans. Non preemptive check.

8.What is meant by functional dependency?

9. What is a semaphore?
Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes

10.What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /
Ans.( ) , ++, /

11. Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G

12. B-tree (failure nodes at same level)

13. Dense index (index record appears for every search -key in file)

14. What is the efficiency of merge sort
Ans. O(n log n)

15.A program on swapping ( 10,5 )was given

16. In which layer are routers used
Ans. In network layer

17. In which layer are packets formed ( in network layer )

18.Which of the following sorting algorithm has average sorting behavior — Bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, exchange sort
Ans. Heap sort

19.In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values–Inorder ,post order,preorder
Ans. Inorder

20. What are device drivers used for
Ans. To provide software for enabling the hardware

21. Irrevalent to unix command ( getty)

23. What is fork command in Unix
Ans. System call used to create process

24.What is make command in Unix
Ans. Used for creation of more than one file

24.In unix .profile contains
Ans. Start up program

25. In Unix echo is used for
( answer C)

26.In Unix ‘ls ‘stores contents in
Ans. inode block

BPL Placement Paper

About BPL Telecom Limited

Welcome to a Company that provides cutting-edge solutions, services and products in the broader areas of Consumer Telecom Products, Enterprise Communications Products, and Power Line Communication Equipments for the Power utility segment, with a dedicated focus towards hardware and software solutions for the highly competitive global markets.

Specific offerings span the areas of Consumer Telecom Products, Enterprise Communication Products, Power Line Communication Equipments and Customised  Products for the Enterprise & Utility.

Leading Electronics and Telecommunications Group in India: Established market leader in various segments, right from 1975  BPL Telecom Private Limited, an integral entity within the larger Billion Dollar BPL Group of Companies, the company has over the years developed distinct competencies in cutting edge technologies and diverse application domains drawn from the successful implementation of complex projects in highly competitive global markets.visit offical website of BPL Telecom Limited for more details.

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