CALSOFT Placement Paper
Company: calsoft
Here is the pattern of Calsoft exam which i attended on 24 th july 2005.
In the call letter it was said that there will be technical exam for two hours. But shockingly i got 50 analytical questions which i’ve not even brushed up those things at that time for calsoft.
The pattern which i got was like this.
i’ve got the question “Form AAA”
DBMS = 15 quesions.
Networks = 5 questions.
Data Structures = 5 questions.
Programming = 20 questions (C and C++)
and we have to write two programs (one pseudo code and another is a C program) they will give seperate sheets for that.
and Analytical = 50 questions.
Questions were not very tough from DBMS,network
& Data structures.But i struggled with Programming and Analytical. I got many sums like log,and problem on numbers,and sums on shapes and from time and work,etc.
CALSOFT Placement Paper