CMC Placement Paper
Company: CMC Limited
The procedure for cmc is
1)written test
2)technical test
The written test Contains 3 sections..the 3 sections
contains the following. And the duration is 90 minutes.
1)verbal analogy (25 marks)
2)Data sufficiency
3)Logical reasoning
4)Analytical reasoning
5)Comparisons(basic mathematics)
7)reading comprehension
The technical test contains the questions from OS,DBMS,OOPS,SE,C,JAVA,
After clearing the technical test there is a interview.
Interview is based on your Areas Of Interest.
CMC Placement Paper
About CMC
CMC is now part of the $100 billion Tata Group, Asia’s largest global software services company with over 12,000 employees worldwide. Prior to the merger, Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS Ltd) was a strategic partner of CMC and worked to target the global market with additional offerings that leveraged the combined strengths of both companies.visit offical Website of CMC for more details