Company: Adobe Systems

Placement Paper:- February 26 ,2011 – CA, Chennai
Id: 3450 Title: CA (computer associates) apptitude/written/placement papers 2011

1. |x-a|=a-x Ans: (c) x<=a 2. There is six letter word VGANDA . How many ways you can arrange the letters in the word in such a way that both the A's are together. Ans : 120 (5x4!) 3. If two cards are taken one after another without replacing from a pack of 52 cards what is the probability for the two cards be queen. Ans : (4/52)*(3/51) (1/17)*(1/13) 4. 51 x 53 x ... x 59 ; symbols ! - factorial ^ - power of 2 (a) 99!/49! (b) (c) (d) (99! x 25!)/(2^24 x 49! x 51!) 5. The ratio fo Boys to Girls is 6:4. 60% of the boys and 40% of girls take lunch in the canteen. What % of class takes lunch in canteen. Ans : 52% (60/100)*60 + (40/100)*40