COVANSYS Placement Paper & Interview on 2nd Dec
Company: COVANSYS (COVANSYS Placement Paper)
hi friends,
This is ashma. I wrote the written test of covansys on 2nd of dec and cleared it. Then i appeared 4 the interview and now am waititng 4 the results.
Totally there are 2 rounds.
Total no of questions: 80
Duration: 1 hr
1st Round : Written Test
There are 3 sections in the written test.
1st section:
Total no of questions are 15 and each question carries 2 marks. 3 critical reasoning were given in this section and each one has 5 questions.
Mostly seating arrangements were given.
2nd section:
Total no of questions are 15 and each carries 3 marks. All are puzzles better prepare it from Sakunthala Devi’s book.
3rd section:
Total no of questions are 50 and each carries 1/2 mark. In this section the questions were based on fundamentals of computer.
2nd Round: Technical and HR
He asked me questions from DBMS, Software Engineering and also asked me to write a simple c program.
So friends it is easy to clear if u take some effort.
All the best. God Bless U.
COVANSYS Placement Paper
Hi friends i gave a written test to Covansys.. this company is too good
I will give the test pattern hope it will help you all
I cleared And waiting for results…………..
it consists of three sections
1.Critical reasoning….. questions like
p,q,r,s,t,u,v are staffs
B,C,D should select staffs some conditions wre given…little bit tough but refer Barrons it ll be easy
2.Aptitude General…refer agarwal verbal and non verbal plus GRE mathematics,tactics
Questions like 1,2,3,4….99
wat is the 100th digit
ans:5(not sure check out using cross check method)
3.technical…very very easy basic computer questions
2nd round was tech and HR combined.
int: tell me about yourself starting from your personal profile
int: positives and negatives
Int: some technical questions from c++,java
Int: why covansys should select you
me:I have excellent leadership skills which i acquired through effective communication,hard worker and good learner which would achieve team goals
Int: then again some technical questions……5 to 6 ques then
Int: about my project
be bold and answer brush up with basics for technical questions surely you ll get through
god bless you all………
Venkatesh R
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