Company: CSC India
Total No of Rounds : 5
Written Technical
Then Communication Skills Round
Tech Interview
HR Interview
The Entire process took about a day the questions asked in the aptitude are almost the ones given on very very easy. they yet your speed . 40 questions in 40 minutes. the technical written has questions from binary tree, OS, networking, DS, and weird things like zener diode and all (these do not match with what we practice on [or anywhere else] 75 questions in 40 minute. The communication skills round is easy.. just test your fluency”describe yourself as a human”
Technical Interview
Java- given a program what will be the output
What happens if we write main inside main
Cloud computing
Socket programming
More java.. lots of java
HR- general. location flexibility, describe yourself, time flexibility, that’s about it. And also extra curricular.
All The Best