Company: CSC India Pvt Ltd

1. In 8051 micro controller what is the HEX number in the accumulator after the execution of the following code.

a)A6 b)6A c)95 d)A5.

2. The Pentium processor requires ———— volts.

a)9 b)12 c)5 d)24.

3. The data bus on the Celeron processor is——-bits wide.

a)64 b)32 c)16 d)128.

4. K6 processor

a) Hitachi
b) toshiba
c) zilog
d) AMD.

5. What is the control word for 8255 PPI,in BSR mode to set bit PC3.

a)0EH b)0FH c)07H d)06H.

6. The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called ———.The cpu is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period,and the process doesn’t progress towards completion.

a) dead lock
b) busy waiting
c) trap door
d) none.

7. Transparent DBMS is defined as

a) A DBMS in which there are no program or user access languages.
b) A DBMS which has no cross file capabilities but is user friendly and provides user interface management.
c) A DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden from user
d) none.

8. Either all actions are carried out or none are.users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transctions.DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transctions.this property is known as

a) Aggregation
b) atomicity
c) association
d) data integrity.

9..—— algorithms determines where in available to load a program. common methods are first fit,next fit,best fit.——— algorithm are used when memory is full , and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swaped out to accommodate a new program.The ————- algorithm determines which are the partions to be swaped out.

a) placement, placement, replacement
b) replacement, placement, placement
c) replacement, placement, replacement
d) placement, replacement, replacement

10. Trap door is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication.A trap is a software interrupt,usually the result of an error condition.


11. Given a binary search tree,print out the nodes of the tree according t5o post order traversal.

2 5
1 3


12. which one of the following is the recursive travel technique.

a)depth first search
c)breadth first search

13. which of the following needs the requirement to be a binary search tree.

a) 5
2 7

b) 5
6 7

c) 5
2 7
1 6

d) none.

14. in recursive implementations which of the following is true for saving the state of the steps

a)as full state on the stack
b) as reversible action on the stack
c)both a and b

15. which of the following involves context switch

a)previliged instruction
b)floating point exception
c)system calls

16. piggy backing is a technique for

c)flow control

17. a functional dependency XY is ___________dependency if removal of any attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any more

a)full functional
b) multi valued
c)single valued

18. a relation schema R is in BCNF if it is in ___________and satisfies an additional constraints that for every functional dependency XY,X must be a candidate key

a)1 NF
b)2 NF
c)3 NF
d)5 NF

19. a _________sub query can be easily identified if it contains any references to the parent sub query columns in the _________ clause

A) correlated ,WHERE
b) nested ,SELECT
c) correlated,SELECT
d) none

20. hybrid devise that combines the features of both bridge and router is known as


21. which of the following is the most crucial phase of SDLC

b)code generation
c) analysys and design

22. to send a data packet using datagram ,connection will be established

a)no connection is required
b) connection is not established before data transmission
c)before data transmission

23. a software that allows a personal computer to pretend as as computer terminal is

a) terminal adapter
b)terminal emulation

24. super key is

a) same as primary key
b) primary key and attribute
c) same as foreign key
d) foreign key and attribute

25. In binary search tree which traversal is used for ascending order values

a) Inorder
b) preorder
c) post order
d) none

26. You are creating an index on ROLLNO colume in the STUDENT table.which statement will you use?

a) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student, rollno;
b) CREATE INDEX roll_idx FOR student, rollno;
c) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student( rollno);
d) CREATE INDEX roll_idx INDEX ON student (rollno);

27. A________class is a class that represents a data structure that stores a number of data objects

a. container

28. Which one of the following phases belongs to the compiler Back-end.

a. Lexical Analysis
b.Syntax Analysis
c. Optimization
d.Intermediate Representation.

29. Every context _sensitive language is context_free

a. true

30. Input:A is non-empty list of numbers L

For each item in the list L,do
If the item>x,then
Xßthe item
Return X
X represents:-

a)largest number
b)smallest number
c)smallest negative number
d) none

31. Let A and B be nodes of a heap,such that B is a child of A. the heap must then satisfy the following conditions


32. String ,List,Stack,queue are examples of___________

a)primitive data type
b)simple data type
c)Abstract data type

33. which of the following is not true for LinkedLists?

a)The simplest kind of linked list is a single linked list ,which has one link per node .this link points to the next node in the list,or to a null value or emptylist if it is the last node.
b)a more sophisticated kind of linked list is a double linkedlist or two way linkedlist .Each node has two links ,one to the previous node and one to the next node.
c) in a circleLinkedList ,the first and last nodes are linked together.this can be done only for double linked list.
d) to traverse a circular linkedlist ,u begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until u return to the original node.

34. sentinel node at the beginning and /or at the end of the linkedlist is not used to store the data

a) true
b) false