Company: DBS Bank
1)A”s place is 7th from left .B”s position is 9th from the
right.After interchanging their position A”s position is 11th
from the left.Howmany candidates are there?
step 1:x=3D0,A=3D0,B=3D1;step2:If x<10;do step 3 to 6 otherwise go to step 7;step 3:Y=3DA+B;A=3DB,B=3DY;step 4:print Y; step 5:x is increased by 1 step 6:Go to step 2; step 7:stop
A)What is the 7″th value of Y that is printed?21
B)After set of instructions is over at step 5 what is the last value of X?10
C)When x=3D4 what is the value of Y printed?8
D)suppose step 5 is replased by step:x=3Dx+3 what would be the last value of Y printed?5
E)step 1 is changed as x=3D5,A=3D0,B=3D1 what is Y?
ans : 8
3)Logical reasoning
(1)Persons A,B,C,D,E,F are playing cards. B– Mother,E–Niece of A,A–Son of B(complete Qu. is not known.Answers are correct!)
A)Who is the winner of the game?
B)who are the ladies? B,E
C)second winner in the game? Husband of B
D)who is the niece of A?
ans : B
4)Even if problem is not clear answers are correct( perfectly)
a)Train overtaking problem from R.S.Agrawal
b)A problem on pipes&cistern
A)fill the tank in 1 hour
B)fill the tank in 40 min.
C)C leak the tank at 60lt/hrs
ans:24 min.
5)problem on ages ans:38,14
6)when 29 is added to a particular number (1/3), added to (1/4) particular no?
7)Synonyms:placate,sooth,ebullient ;Antonyms:incense,friction,diet
8)3 questions on correction of sentences.
9)odd man out
1)ans 52.5
ans 20
3 questions.Ex:(1)All cars are scooters,all scooters are trucks. (from R.S.Agrawal
11)In one company women are 40 more than men______.
12)5 problems on heights of persons.
13)clock problem
14)Age problem
14)profit and loss problem
16)mixture problem
17)a a b a a b a a b a a b a a b.There will be 4 choices ans:b a a a 3 questions are given with blanks.Clue:3 or 4 letter series repeats depending on which ans must be selected.
18)compreshion:small paras and 3 questions
19)date of birth problems ans:saturday
20)for one problem ans is 16 2/3
21)pressure vs volume PV=3DK one problem.
23)A necklace is made of 5 colors of pearls.ans:68 24)ans:compendiom
25)bench,chair,thron,pedastrian,cook odd man out
26)A can do work 2 times faster than B.B can do 100 parts in 40 min.. Howmany parts can A do?Ans:30
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