ECIL Placement Paper
Company: Electronics Corporation of India Limited
31.A negative feedback is applied to an amplifier with the feedback voltage proportional to the output current. This feedback increases the
a) input impedance of the amplifier
b) output impedance of the amplifier
c) distortion in the amplifier
d) gain of the amplifier
32.The early effect in a BJT is modeled by the small signal parameter
a) r0
b) r∏
c) gm
d) β
33.For a given filter order, which one of the following type of filters has the least amount of ripple both in pass‐band and stop‐band?
a) Chebyshev type I
b) Bessel
c) Chebyshev type II
d) Elliptic
34.For a practical feedback circuit to have sustained oscillation, the most appropriate value of the loop gain T is
a) 1
b) ‐1
c) ‐1.02
d) 1.02
35.Assume the op‐amps in given figure to be ideal. If the input signal vi is a sinusoid of 2V peak‐to‐peak and with zero DC component, the output signal vo is a
a) sine wave
b) square wave
c) pulse train
d) triangular wave
36.In a common source amplifier, the mid‐band voltage gain is 40 dB and the upper cutoff frequency is 150kHz. Assuming single pole approximation for the amplifier the unity gain frequency fT is
a) 6 MHz
b) 15 MHz
c) 150 MHz
d) 1.5 GHz
37.An op‐amp is ideal except for finite gain and CMRR. Given the open loop differential gain Ad=2000,CMRR = 1000, the input to the noninverting terminal is 5.002 V and the input to the inverting terminal is 4.999 V, the output voltage of the op‐amp is
a) 14 V
b) 24 V
c) ‐6 V
d) ‐8 V
38.The op‐amp in the circuit in given figure has a non‐zero DC offset. The steady state value of the output voltage Vo is
a) –RC dvs(t)/ dt
b) – (1/RC)|vs(t)dt
c) –V
d) +V
39.For the circuit in given figure, if the value of the capacitor C is doubled, the duty‐cycle of the output waveform Vo
a) increases by a factor of 2
b) increases by a factor of 1.44
c) remains constant
d) decreases by a factor of 1.44
40.Assume the op‐amp in the given circuit to be ideal. The value of the output voltage Vo is
a) 3.2 Vi
b) 4 Vi
c) 9 Vi
d) 10 Vi
41.The complement of the Boolean expression F = (X + Yˉ + Z)(Xˉ + Zˉ)(X + Y) is
a) XYZ+XZˉ+YˉZ
b) XˉYZˉ+XZ+XˉYˉ
c) XˉYZˉ+XZ+YZ
d) XYZ+XˉYˉ
42.The Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(0,6,8,13,14) with don’t care conditions d(A,B,C,D) = ∑(2,4,10) can be simplified to
a) F = BˉDˉ+CDˉ+ABCˉ
b) F = BˉDˉ+CDˉ+ABCˉD
c) F = ABˉDˉ+CDˉ+ABCˉ
d) F = BˉDˉ+CDˉ+ABCD
43.The Boolean function F = AˉDˉ+BˉD can be realized by one of the following figures
44. For the multiplexer in given figure, the Boolean expression for the output Y is
a) AˉBˉ+BˉCˉ+AC
b) ABˉ+BˉCˉ+ACˉ
c) ABˉ+BˉC+AC
d) AˉBˉ+BˉC+AˉC
45. Which one of the following is TRUE?
a) Both latch and flip‐flop are edge triggered.
b) A latch is level triggered and a flip‐flop is edge triggered.
c) A latch is edge triggered and a flip‐flop is level triggered.
d) Both latch and flip‐flop are level triggered.
46. In a schottky TTL gate, the Schottky diode
a) increases the propagation delay
b) increases the power consumption
c) prevents saturation of the output transistor
d) keeps the transistor in cutoff region
47. For which one of the following ultraviolet light is used to erase the stored contents
d) PLA
48. Which one of the following is NOT a synchronous counter
a) Johnson counter
b) Ring counter
c) Ripple counter
d) Up‐down counter
49. In 8085 microprocessor, the accumulator is a
a) 4 bit register
b) 8 bit register
c) 16 bit register
d) 32 bit register
50. In the register indirect addressing mode of 8085 microprocessor, data is stored
a) at the address contained in the register pair
b) in the register pair
c) in the accumulator
d) in a fixed location of the memory
51. The output w[n] of the system shown in given figure is
a) x[n]
b) x[n‐1]
c) x[n] – x[n‐1]
d) 0.5(x[n‐1] + x[n])
52. Which one of the following is a periodic signal
a) x(t) = 2 e^j(t+(π/4))
b) x[n] = u[n] + u[‐n]
c) x[n] = ∑{∂[n‐4k]‐∂[n‐1‐4k]} where k = ‐∞to ∞
d) x(t) = e^ (‐1+j)t
53. If the input‐output relation of a system is y(t) = ∫x(t) dt where t = ‐∞ to 2t
a) linear, time‐invariant and unstable
b) linear, non‐causal and unstable
c) linear, causal and time invariant
d) non‐causal, time invariant and unstable
54. Which one of the can be the magnitude of the transfer function | H(jw) | of a causal system
55. Consider the function H(jw) = H1(w) + jH2(w), where H1(w) is an odd function and H2(w) is an even function. The inverse Fourier transform of H(jw) is
a) a real and odd function b) a complex function
c) a purely imaginary function
d) a purely imaginary and odd function
56. The laplace transform of given signal is
a) –A((1‐e^cs)/s)
b) A((1‐e^cs)/s)
c) A((1‐e^‐cs)/s)
d) –A((1‐e^‐cs)/s)
57. If X(z) is the z‐transform of x[n] = (1/2)^ |n|, the ROC of X(z) is
a) |z| >
b) |z| < 2
c) 0.5<|z|<2
d) the entire z‐plane
58. In a linear phase system, τg the group delay and τp the phase delay are
a) constant and equal to each other
b) τg is a constant and τp is proportional to w
c) a constant and τg is proportional to w
d) τg is proportional to w and τp is proportional to w
59. A signal m(t), band‐limited to a maximum frequency of 20 kHz is sampled at a frequency fs kHz to generate s(t). An ideal low pass filter having cut‐off frequency 37 kHz is used to reconstruct m(t) from s(t). The maximum value of fs required to reconstruct m(t) without distortion is
a) 20 kHz
b) 40kHz
c) 57 kHz
60. If the signal x(t) shown in given figure is fed to an LTI system having impulse response h(t) as shown in given figure, the value of the DC component present in the output y(t) is
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
ECIL Placement Paper
About ECIL
Electronics Corporation of India Limited is a Government of India Enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy, established on 11 April 1967 by A. S. Rao at Hyderabad, to create a strong indigenous base in electronics.. visit offical website of ECIL for more details..