Company: HCL Technologies
Total No Attended : around 330
Total Ppl placed : 89
There were three rounds
First Round : Apptitude
35 q apps.(1 hour) 20 q technical(15 mins)
Apps , logical reasoning, Data interpretation/sufficiency, Technical , microprocessor
memory arrangement, c , memory management algorithm stuff etc
Second Round: Technical HR interview
I entered .
The HR asked me to relax and have some water.
i acceptd it and said thanks.
He asked to say something interesting – not about me . no academic stuff.
i asked him if i cud explain him bout Nanotechnology. he said no.
then i asked him if i cud explain him bout Karunya. he said ok
i told him about my college. that went on for a few minutes.
then he asked me to tell bout myself . i told him. (ps: Guys – Do this part well.)
told me to explain bout Nanotechnolgy. i explained it briefly.
then he asked some qs related to my hobbies
Then he told me to explain someting in which i cud answer anyqs if asked.
i gave my area of intrest. i started explaining it .
he asked some qs in the middle. i asweres them.
Then he asked me to give a concept for a c program to match two nos in an array.
( At that moment he was offered Tender coconut drink)
i was asked to write a c code for finding odd nos in a sequence.
when i finished writing the code, he offered the drink to me. i gladly accepted it.
then i explained the code at which time when i was also having the drink. ( It was a nice
time) Then he said ok.
i thanked him for the drink. and then it was over.
Third Round: HR Interview
since there were too many people selected for HR interview, they made the HR round as
There were 10 ppl in my round.
we were asked to suggest a topic.
each guy was saying something. i was the last to suggest.
i cudnt think of anyting . the only thing which came in my mind was – Is GD really
SO i jus said that directly from the heart.
the HR took it has a topic & said it was a nice topic.
though i didnt speak anything . later the topic was changed to ” Is Technical Interview
necessary ? ”
The HR asked me to speak something . Then i gave a point. finally it was concluded.
Then we were asked for some Qs. I asked two Qs. then it was also done.
A day later The Results were announced. I was happy to see my name I thanked God.
Some FINAL Advice
Try Solving Logical Resoning and General aptitude stuff. Work On GDs . Be very good
in your areas of interest. Also pray to God. Its always God ‘s grace which takes you up
the ladder. You do ur part . GOD will bless you work.
In case you get rejected dont worry . Work on where you went wrong.
hi frnds..its really lucky to get thorough consists of 3 rounds.aptitude,technical, and
in aptitude all puzzles cam..pls follow shakuntala devi pattern..some english
passage,logical reasoning like A,B,C,D,E,F,
BICYCLE,MOTORCYCLE,TRUCK, have to find who does which n resides in
which city..all types from R.S.Aggarwal.
in apti the cut off is very tick all the answers..they ll tell u negetiv marking..but i
think actually they dun do mark as many ans possible.
35 apti in 1 20 technical questions were given in 15 mins time.
remember ee,ece, has a diff cut off than cse,it cse,it guys pls score more than
12 out of 20. about 90 cleared in aptitude out of 130.
then i was taken to technical round.
me: good afternoon sir
sir: yes pls sit.can i have ur cv?
the person was a young chap,i was in panel B.panel A was easy..mostly hr questions and
a few technical ..but my panel was damn technical all through.
me: o hh sure.
sir: so,shreya u took part in quest?when?u went to doordarshan?
me: y es was a quiz contest..and our team was when i was in class 11.
sir: do u know c?c++?
me: yes sir.
sir: tellme sumthing bout functions to pointers.
me :sir what u want me to xplain?
sir: dynamic memory allocation.
me :xpalined well.
sir: whats the difference between calloc and malloc?
me: xplained.
sir: xplain doubly linked list.
me:draw the diagram and then xpalined well.
sir: what is its difference with single linked list?
me :again draw picture and xplained with code.
sir: tell the algorithm of binary search.
me: gave it.
sir :if i give u a few elements can u insert them in a binary tree?
me: yes sir.
sir: he gave me..
me: done a mistake
sir: what algorithm u told ur binary search tree is not matching with it..then he told me
the mistake
me: yes sir..but my algorithm was right..during insertion i got confused with b tree. do u know whats normalization?
me: yes sir..xplained very good..all the reasons y we use it.
sir: ok.give me examples with 1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF.
me: draw a table and xplained it is done..and converted it to BCNF.
sir: whats thread.what is its difference with process?
me: gave well..this time i was puzzled..started swaeting cz he dint give me time even to
think and he was switching topics..
sir: o k have u heard the name of mutual excluson?
me: sir..previous ques..answered well.
sir: whats kernel?
me: again told..
sir: ok my next q..that means mutual exclusion.
me:gave it.
sir: okk..u know c++ naa?
me: y es sir..a bit.
sir: whats oops concepts?
me: i explained all startingwith abstraction,data
hiding,encapuslation,overloading,class,objects,overridding,polymorphism and all.
sir: okk thank u..u pls wait in a couple of minutes..u ll be called 4 hr.
i thought i got cleared the technical round.
hr: well ur family background.
me: told.
hr: t hree puzzles one after another.
me: solved..
hr: okk good..what u think u scored in apti?
me: i thought well
hr: no u hv just crossed the cut off.
hr: how was ur technical?
me: well was easy 4 me,i knew hcl is doing with all i prepared it well.
hr: okk what was ur joint rank?
me: told.
hr: u went 4 NIITat naa?what was ur rank?
me: rank was good..
hr: do u have any relocation problem?
me :no mam..not at all.
hr: okk..shreya so whta are the fields that Hcl serves?
me :i got it from their managed..
hr: y dint u get in cts?
me: dat was my bad luck..but no harm to i got the golden chance to b in hcl rounds.
hr: well go through our website once.
me: thank u mam..good evening.bye.
i did leave then.smartly..dun lose ur eye contact..b smart..but do ur technical roung very they are selecting very crudely..splyy from my panel..only a few good were
Hello Frenz!!
I m sourabh pursuing my B.E. in CSE from UIT-RGPV,Bhopal.HCL came to our
college on 9 march.
450 students appeared for writtern test.As the flight of HCl official was late .test started
@ 8 pm .
pattern for writtern test..
35 que aptitude.
maths section
time & distance.
blood relation.
coding n decoding.
20 que of technical
15 from c & c++
rest r from micrpprocessor & s/W testing DS.
technical was quite easy but apti was tough I cracked only 20 and in technical I did 16 .
very important abt – marking they told us may or may not be………..
results of writtern were declared in morning 7 am sharp….. luckily I got qualified this
round only 102 were selected……
after that GD round started ……my topic was Favourite movie….. moderator was very
cool person he want us to be comfortable ,so he strted talking with gf/bf.
after that out of d group of 10 m d only one who got cleared gd round….. 40 student
cleared gd….
Now finally Interview round comes………… I was very nervous @ that time…….. my
interview was taken by mam….
she strted with ..
(1)Introduce urself.
(2)family background.
(3)sourabh,tell me d area’s in govt. where we can apply IT .
I told about e-governance,agri based channels ,connecting each depptt of govt……………..
(4)tell me about SDLC(s/w development life cycle…)
(6)tell me d types of project that ne IT company deals..
(ee)y hcl….give d best details of company to them…they will get impress..
(ew)hv u appeared in ne other company…..
(7)abstraction n Encapsulation.
(8)she took mine writtern copy told to solve d puzzle…and some apti question(so guyz
dont make guesses…)
(9)why this college …
(10)abt my rank in state ..
(11)As m getting mech in SGSITS Indore …why this not..
(12)now she asked me about relocation..
(13)bond of 18 months ..
(14)my project………….
now itz over….after 5 hours result came ..and hcl official came and announced d
result….only 20 were selected….when he annonced my name…..I was so happy….that I
cant tell you…..
Now after rejection from hr of tcs ,mbt,satyam….I was so depressed ……but now I proud
to say m hclite…… guyz all d best…..campus is all about luck n little bit
prepration……………… u all in hcl……
Hi Guys !!!!
This is Sourish from MCKV Institute of Engineering , I am going to share my
experience about the HCL Technologies Campusing procedure which took place in our
college on 1st March 2007 . It was an ON Campus .
It took 2 days for the whole process to end
First Round – Aptitude -> 35 Apti questions + 20 Technical questions
It started at around 12:30 pm
The Aptitude part was quite tough as most of the problems were in the form of puzzles
[PLEASE NOTE: There are negative marks as well , sometimes they dont apply the
negative marking if the performance on the whole is not so good ] , so answer your
questions accordingly .
Make sure that you tick only those on which u r confident. The English questions were
quite easy .There were some small passages and u have to answer some questions from
those passages Arranging the sentences in perfect order were also there in the paper ,
[They gave 60 mins for aptitude section and took the papers , After 5 mins they gave us
the Technical paper which was to be solved by 15 mins]
The technical part was a bit easy and I managed to answer 16 out of 20 correctly
[Tips : Try to go through the whole test paper first and find which questions can you
solve confidently , because sometimes most of the easy are placed at the last , or in the
middle , so dont get panic if the first question is too difficult]
About 130 students gave the aptitude paper and 91 were selected for the next round and
I was one of them
Second Round -> Technical Interview
It started at around 3:45 pm
The selected candidates were divided into two panels , Panel A and Panel B . My name
was the third in Panel B So as soon as I cleared the Aptitude round my name was called
within 30 minutes ,
I was called at 4:15 pm
I went inside the interview hall
Me : Good evening Sir , may I have the seat ?
Sir : Sit down Sourish . May I have your CV ?
Me : Sure Sir [ and I handed over my CV to him] [At that moment he took out a form and
asked me to fill it]
Sir : Sourish please introduce yourself
Me : [I started introducing myself and chatted a lot on my extra curricular activities , I
also chatted about cricket for a while as I had written that playing cricket was my hobby]
Sir : Why u chose IT as your career line
Me : Blah Blah
Then he asked me many Technical Questions which are as follows
1: What is class ?
2: What r objects? Explain its uses
3: What is polymorphism ? What is Inheritance ? Give a real life example of both
4: What is Abstraction ?
5: What is function overriding ?
6: What is LAN , WAN , SAN with examples
7: Write an SQL query using Select statement
8: Explain Join command
I answered them
Sir : Thank you Sourish [with a smile]
Me: Thank you Sir It was a 30 minutes interview I was satisfied by my interview and was
hoping to get selected for HR round
And yes , my name was 1st in the HR list and so I was called within 15 minutes for the
HR Interview
Third & Final Round-> HR Interview
I was called at 5:05 pm
There was a mam taking the interview and I entered the room
Me : Good evening Mam
Mam : Good Evening Sourish
Me : May I have the seat Mam
Mam : Yaa sure
The HR questions were as follows
1: Family background
2: Why MCKV ? [ MCKV -> my college]
3: What do u think about the aptitude paper?
Me : It was a mixed bag for me and as most of them were puzzles it was very time
consuming and luckily I got through it
4: Do you have any plans for Higher studies?
Me : Right now I want to concentrate on my B Tech , after that when I will feel that I am
well established with some work experience then I will opt for an MBA degree
5: Do you have any problems in Relocation(postings in different places)?
Me : No Mam , I dont have any problem , I can reside in any place in India
6: What if I send u abroad ?
Me : Still I dont have any problem
7: What r your weakness ?
Me : I am afraid of spiders Mam [ suddenly a funny environment was created]
[Tip : Try to make the conversation as much lively as possible and whatever you speak
always speak it loud and clear]
8: When you heard that HCL is comming in your collg ?
9: What have you prepared for HCL interview
Me : C , JAVA , Data structures mam
10: If you were given a project in HCL , can you do it ?
Me : Yes mam , I can and I will do it
Mam: Ok Thank you Sourish
Me : Thank you Mam
It took 15 minutes and I was fully satisfied by my HR interview But now the real test had
begun for me , I had to wait for a full one day to know the results The next day at
around 8:45 pm the whole process ended
Out of 91 students 59 cleared the Technical round and out of 59 students 35 students
were finally selected and by GOD’s grace I was among those 35 students , after one
sleepless night and the tensed next day I got a sigh of relief by hearing my name as soon
as it was announced
Now I am a part of HCL Technologies , And I am proud to be called as an HCLite !!!!
Believe in yourself and believe in GOD and success will come in your way
This is Abhisek from MCKV Institute of Engineering, I am going to share my experience
about the HCL Technologies Campusing procedure which took place in our college on
1st & 2nd March 2007.
It took 2 days for the whole process to end.
The who process is based on …..
1. PPT
2. Aptitude = 35 Apti questions( 1 hr ) + 20 Technical questions ( 15 mins )
3. Technical Interview
4. HR Interview
The reporting time was 9:30am …….. but the flight was late …….. so the mam along with
two sirs came after a short delay ……. at abut 10-30 ……. and the PPT tated around 11.
there was a nice video at first, I recognized that was a “HCL Anthem”
( )video and a bit modified from HCL s website. them mam
explained the facts of HCL and 18 month bond, statistics etc.
Try to listen the PPT carefully ……. though its boring, that comes handy in HR. Mam
asked me only abut HCL in HR.
The Aptitude part was mainly composed of …
1. Some Puzzles( From RS Agarwal’s Non-verbal and Sakuntala Devi )
2. Some DI problems( very easy if u focus )
3. Some CAT standard passages ( i.e. 2 questions for 1 page long passages )
So My suggestion will be first attempt the DI,then eng, then take rest of time to solve
puzzles .
The paper was a bit tough …… but DI and English was much easy though.
The Technical part was a bit easy …… mainly composed of C,C++,OS and mainly pointer
based problems. ECE guys may hav some problems with that.
127 given d exam ……. and 86 cleared d aptitude.
In Technical Interview there was two men, and only two panels …….. I was given in to
panel B. I waited the whole day and at 8:30pm they said that remaining part will be taken
in next day. So I came back home at around 10:15 and went back college again d next
day morning.
next day another person joined in as Panel C. and again I was waiting ……… After a long
waiting …….. in 1:30pm …….. I went to give the Technical Interview.
me: good after noon sir.
sir: good after noon, please hav ur sit.
me: thanks.
sir: do ya hav a cv wit u?
me: yes sir. ( I handed it over t him )
sir: please fill up d form quickly.
me: ok sir.
( after filling …. I handed it to him )
sir: introduce urself.
me: blah blah. ( tell mainly ur personal and hobbies part here )
sir: u like cars??
( confused )
me: cars?? sir do ya mean 4 wheelers??
sir: yes … .
me: sir every1 likes 2 ride cars …… me too …… but nt very much interested. ( 😛 )
sir: ok temme ur strengths.
me: sir ……. personal or academic?
sir: no no ……. academic ( me a bit surprised ).
me: C.
sir: ok why r u into IT industry?
me: to serve people ….. blah blah.
sir: but why IT? why nt any other?
me: sir …… I mainly like computers …… I could hav chosen CSE …… but I like to server
people for which the technology is built. So I get both in IT. blah blah. ( sir is impressed i
think ).
sir: ok lets ask you a few questions.
then he asked me a whole lot of questions.
He strated from size of integers. I told 4 bytes. Sir tried to confuse me. I explained him
very clearly dat it is mainly architecture and then compiler dependend.
Sir agreed but den suddenly jumped to microprocessor architecture and then bus structure.
I explained ( I missed d control bus part though ).
Then sir asked how instruction is executed ……. I tried six times …… but he wasnt
satisfied. At last I told him abut bit pattern and he told dat he was expecting that answer
only. then he asked me abut compiler, linker, loder and who controls them (OS). then he
asked me abut some scheduling algorithms and how they are handled.then abut
polymorphism, overloading , overriding and OOP features and their advanteges over C.
Then he told me to write a C Structure with double pointers. I did that easily.
struct abc {
struct abc *x;
struct abc **y;
struct abc a;
a->y = *(a->x);
that was d sloution.
abut DS he asked only abut BST Algorithms.
then he asked some pointer related problems ……. and theor solutions ……..mostly based
on technical apti paper …….. and I did explained them. But it wasa bit difficult as It takes
much time to maniplulate pointer problems. ( I dont remember though now ).
Then he asked me some problems from technical apti paper and asked me to solve them
without even seeing d options. I did that. and abut a C++ problem ……. I stated ” Sir, I
dont know C++, but I know Java”. Give them an alternative field to question if you dont
know any specific 1 ).
then sir stated to rate me between 1 to 5. I said 4. Sir smiled “Why not 5, why only 4??” I
told “Sir Itwas my 1st interview, so I am a bit nervous, so I wasunable to give my fullest.
Since I gave my 80% so rate myself as 4″.
Sir smiled and said ” u may go now”.
I crossed mt fingers ……. and when I was out my friends looking at me starangely. Then I
found out I hav given 1 hr 10 min long technical …… longest in total campusing. oof!!
Finally the results came after 1 hr dat I was selected for HR. I felt a bit relieved. Only 57
was selected for HR amongest 86 given the Technical.
The HR interview was abut 20 mins long and a very simple 1.
there was 1 mam …….. she was watching my cv ( They keep CV, apti paper, rough sheet,
rough sheet from Technical all stapled togather )
Mam asked me abut my family background. I mentioned my father is in Software
Industry.( she quickly noted that ). then where I firsted heard abut HCL. I told her that
from a student of my father when I was in class 8.
then asked me only abut where HCL can take new steps in IT industry. ( I told
camputerization of Govt Works …….. which brings HCL Reputation, fame and honour ).
Then told abut e-Learning in schools & colleges ……. banking …. power quality
regulation etc etc. ( Mam was very impressed abut e-Learning and Govt. Services ). Then
mam asked me abut my hobbies. I mentioned swimming. Mam asked ” why dont ya took
dat as ur profession??” . I replied ” I like swimming … I even know how to rescue some1,
but I dont take it profesionaly as it is my HOBBY”. [:D] mam enjoyed dat part and was
then she asked me abut higher education. I told I hav no such plans. mam asked since u r
family is so highly educated ….. why dont u? I told mam that If I could hav wished I hav
done Bsc MSc and Dr. but i didnt. as a like applcation better than hypothesis and etc etc.
Mam seemed impressed. then mam asked abut reloaction and 18 months bond and etc etc.
Mam then said nice to meet u. I hand shaked with mam and told ” The pleasure is mine”.
and the HR was over.
AT night 9:30pm they declared d results. 35 were selected and I was one of them …..
so happy.
To every1 trying 2 become an HCLite ……. just be confident …….. they mainly check d
confidence and then tech knowledge …….. so dont be afraid ……… just trust urself
……… I am waiting for u to become another HCLite like me …… in HCL [:D]
Im about 2 share my experience of HCL technologies recruitment drive held on 12th
February,2007 at Lucknow . this was d first company coming 2 our collg so I was not so
confident dat I’l make it!! My branch is Electronics n communication..(6th sem)
Venue: Northern India Engineering College (BBD GEI)
First was WRITTEN,it had 2 sections :
(1)Aptitude: aptitude had 35 questions ..Many repeated questions were there,
Data interpretation, puzzles, passages, jumbled sentences,etc…pattern was same.
I cant recall all ques,,but il try:
One was a question on nails………two passages….a question on race…
Q) how many odd numbers r there between 2000 & 4999.
Q) a figure involving concepts of geometry.(not dat tuf!)
Q) a question on multiplication of two nos. with unknown digits (O1 E1 O2
E2…)(seemed tuf 2 me so I didn’t attempt!)
Q) a similar question :A exists if C is present B exists if D & A are present ..n so
on(quite a simple question I got d answer with truth table method it got easy)
Q) somewhat same question as above involving Figo, Ronaldo ..etc…& one drives
scooter while the other rides bicycle….n so so(was easy!…MUST give time 2 such
Q) a question on years(simple one!)
To cut it short apti was nt dat tuf….i jus left those questions of which I had absolutely
NO IDEA…use ur rough sheet 2 the fullest.!
(2)Technical: this section had 20 questions & we were givn 15mins 2 solve…..topics
àmicroprocessor,physical n logical address, little endian & big endian mode,
complexity of algorithms,Revise complete Data structure(VRY VRY IMP!)..a simple
question to fine 2’s complement …C programs (POINTERS—“Most IMP”)….
After written we expected 2 have GD….but it got cancelled…so few students had their
Technical & Hr the same day…….
My turn was on 13th Feb ..(the next day)….whole night tension, anxiety, fear kept me
awake!!! whole bed was piled with buks..all I cud get.. i had never faced interview n
all before …n was really scared of failure…becoz once things get in our hand we don’t
want 2 let it go…
We gathered at college in morning at 9:00 am…my patience was put 2 test that day…my
turn came at 8:00Pm…i was physically n mentally exhausted…but had 2 give a try at
As the interview started Sir asked 4 my CV…n brief introduction… & then started firing
all questions one by one!
Sir-do u know C, well?
Me-yes sir.
Me-yes sir! I said im not a proficient but am learning.
Sir- difference between c & c++?
Me-told him all bout OOPs
Sir-what is abstraction, polymorphism? Types of polymorphism? types of inheritance?
Me-told him all whatever I knew…while describing types of polymorphism(runtime &
compile time) I mentioned “virtual functions”—(he interrupted)
Sir-do u know wat r virtual functions?
Me-I told him (as I had read it 5mins befor)…& also said I didn’t hve detail knowledge of
Sir-u knew those questions I am askin???(his strong voice echoed in my ears)
Me- I got scared first..but his smile infused a confidence in me n I too replied coolly…dat
I jus read in some buk jus bfor comin(its better 2 tell wats true)..
Sir-okok so listen im explaining this 2 you.
(he explaind me a whole program involving virtual functions n the two ways they are
calld)…he asked me 2 listen carefully n confirmed that he wud ask me questions
regarding it next time I met him….
I got excited at this ..but had 2 control it as the interview was still at progress…
Sir-now u tell me about pointers?
Me-told him.
Sir-(he gave me a program & asked 2 find its output)
Me-I had gone through pointers so it wasnt dat tuf 4me…but still I took sometime 2 giv
the answer..n got it rite!(he seemed pretty happy with dat)
Sir-do u kno bout inline functions?
Me-no sir..(I had no idea)
Sir-wat are stacks & queue?
Me-I told ..(ask 4 a pen n paper n explain it with program)(he looked satisfied!)
Sir-do you know wat r link lists?write program?
Me-I wrote d program….(as I was bout 2 finish he said okok fine)
Sir looked very serious, he had a good accent, he talked in a very friendly manner helping
the candidate 2 feel tensionfree…as it did 2 me!
After this phase was over .NOW I was confident that ill make it!!…i was sent 2 HR…
HR was cool:
Same old questionsà introduce urself
Family background,
Fathers occupation…..wat bout railways(as my fathr is in railway)
About siblings
Strengths(must prepare well! Speak loudly ,clearly n confidently with SMILE)u’ll realize
its IMP!)
Weakness(think beforehand if not abl 2 get it ask ur frns )
Hobbies(I told Writing,music ,dance -he asked wat kind of writing I said not on daily
basis but I note down things I wud like 2 read later….few self composed poems n
articles & newspaper cuttings etc etc…..)
He asked few mor ques regarding this….(I was ready with question like wich latest article
u’ve written frm? Where? n wat pasted? n all)….asked few mor ques from Cv..
…about relocation….about HCL foundation…jus checking communication skills……..
&&& thanks to GOD………i made it…….75 students got shortlisted….& it was a happy &
most awaited moment 4 me……now one more night excitement kept me awake!!!!
So don’t lose hope… day Is waiting for u to, for sure!!!…..just have confidence, smile
& brush up ur skills as per requirement…go thru all papers
ITZ VRY ^(100) IMP……
*ALSO prepare ur seminar topic “Well”….they ask u if ur 6th sem is over!
*do prepare a Subject of intrest…(for EC students Digital elec wil do OR
*rest even luck matters…Be genuine alwayz…(it reflects)
I am Ankita Khandelwal pursuing B.Tech. From ASET, Bijwasan in instrumentation and
control branch. I got placed in Hcl technologies through the campus placement in Amity,
noida on 31st Jan ’07.
The whole placement procedure goes like this:
There were three rounds:
First there was a written round with two papers
The aptitude round had 45 questions each of 1 mark with no negative marking. The time
limit was 60 min. The level was little tough with questions on logical reasoning, data
interpretation and maths.
Then next paper was technical for 30 min with 25 questions of 1 mark each. The
questions were on based on the concepts of c/c++, computer networks, operating systems,
DBMS and data structures. The conceptual ones were easy but the output questions were
of good level based on macros, bit wise operators, pointers and manipulators.
Second round was technical. The person sitting in the panel was very charming. He asked
for the introduction and asked about the project I did after 4th semester. Then he asked
me to write the program to check string for the palindrome. I couldn’t write the program
but I explained him the whole concept. In other panels interviewers were asking
programs of sorting, searching, questions on output, errors, constructors destructors
polymorphism, inheritance and concepts of OOP.
Final round was HR. There were two people. The lady asked about the family
background, areas of interest, future plans, top 5 IT companies, top 5 B-schools, concepts
of OOP, classes, technical skills, hobbies, knowledge about the company and other
questions like:
·Why should we hire you?
·How you r different from other candidates?
·Why do u want to join this company?
·Which is your dream company?
·Are you comfortable with all the shifts?
So this was the whole procedure. The main thing you need to take care is that you should
show that you are confident, charming and have pleasant personality.
Don’t fumble, hesitate and scare…
HCL PAPER Interview Questions
35 Aps question
20 Technical questions
Aps was almost logical and one or two sums on quants. (Prepare logical
deduction, blood relation, seating arrangements, pbs on ages, percentage, time
and work, time and distance)
Technical was based on C, C++, and some questions on networks, os, and ds.
Had section wise cut off and negative marking…
Why HCL?
Questions on my area of interest.
Difference bet TCP/UDP—and which is better?
Whether tcp/udp is reliable?
Asked to choose any one like C, C++, Java. I said C++ So,
Num>>2(num value given and asked the o/p)
A prog and its o/p.
What is port..
Where we use port..
Inheritance and its types
If extern is used within private what will happen.
Types of networks.
Using static, extern keywords many questions were asked..
My technical round was abt half an hour. But I am not selected. So, I couldn’t
give u HR questions..