Company: HCL Technologies
Hi friends . . .
This is dharmendra gangrade MCA 2010 Batch from VIT University Vellore(TN)
HCL Technology was came in our college at 12th January 2010 for recruitment
abt HCL everybody know its a very good IT-company
it is very well known for its “employee first”…policy
=>Eligible Branches:
1. B.Tech(selected branches)
2. M.Tech(selected branches)
3. MCA & MS(SE)
1. 60% in X,XII,UG as applicable
2. 6 CGPA in pursuing degree and NO CURRENT ARREARS(cleared all papers in first
attempt in pursuing degree)
these things may vary some times
=>HCL pattern for 2010 at our college was
[A]Online Test
at our time NO GD
The test was an online one
=>The question pattern for HCL is as follows
1. Verbal – 25 questions – 25 min
2. Aptitude – 25 questions – 35 min
3. Logical reasoning – 25 questions – 35 min
1.No jumping between questions is possible.
2.Only if you finish the first question, than only you can go to the other one.
around 10-11am they took the test online
around 11-12am they gave ppt about HCL Technology
around 12.30pm they announced the online test result
and from their itself we have to go for HR and Technical round
so abt test it was simple some common topics was
Probability,Permutations and Combination,Work, Distance, Time
Sentence Correction,Passage reading
Synonyms & Antonyms,Sentence matching for the conditions based on the Passage,
simple English questions,
and many more…
just focus on RS Agarwal both books (quantitative aptitude and
verbal,non-verbal reasoning),
and a simple English objective book
solve some puzzles also
during test maintain the speed …
After that Tech and HR was common for us
in HCL interview they asked some very simple questions like ->
1. tell me something abt ur self ?
2. abt software project management….some basics ?(this question based on your area of
3. oracle9i and 10g ?
4. xml ?
5. basics of java ?
6. advance technologies in java ?
7. if i wont select so what will be the reasons ?
8. if u dont kno any technology and i will give u work based on that tech. how will u do?
9. diff b/w xp and vista ?
10. your long term and short term goals ?
11. strengths?
12. some times abt your project…work
13. some questions from ur resume directly
Some questions from ppt also…
some HR questions was very tricky….
and many more near abt 25+ minute….
….u have to be very good in English and communication skills for some of my friends the questions was like based on multi-threading,iso-osi model,process model,stack and queue,oops,sql-query,
=>don’t go for ONLY these questions be ready for any technical and HR question focus on your area of interest and some basic subjects like
and 1 more thing…… they r really nice people…..
just be honest, be cool, and most important is be confident….
in the night 8.30 they disclosed the results
and i was there….in the list…
total 42/180+ students are selected
(From MCA me and my two more friends total 3/25+)…
so now onwards i am a part of HCL family…
thanks to VIT and HCL for giving me this opportunity and thanks to frieshersworld…
(means touch all possible 8-10 technical subjects basics & rs agarwal both books and puzzles and english aaaannnnnndddd good in english speaking n communication skill…
“`finally i want to say luck is nothing in the world, write ur own luck by hard work“`)
best wishes … do well!!!
This post was submitted by dharmendra.
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