Honeywell Placement Paper
Company: Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab
Honeywell CDAC Noida Paper 19th – 2007Total strength: near about 200 people of different course
* Total Students Cleared the written test: 45
* Number of Students participated in the interview: 22
* Total Number of Selection: 4
Honeywell Had two set of Papers one for EC and Another for CS.
Both the papers were Easy and similar, Specially CS paper was Easy, Please refer to other papers on For a better understanding.You should attend technical paper first and then C followed by Aptitude. You will find that C paper was really easy. They were just checking Technical ability and a little bit of aptitude. Be 100% prepare with your resume and every thing you have written in your resume donot blindly write something in your resume for which you wont be able to answer, if you think you know something only then you write it in your resume.
Please be prepare with OS, DS, C, C++, your project and other your skills that u write in your resume..
HR as usual is a formality but make sure you work hard to reach there.
All the Best from Team.
Honeywell Placement Paper