i-flex solutions limited Placement Paper & Interview
Company: i-flex solutions limited
Hi guys….its sanchit kapur from E.C.E Branch….i m selected in I-Flex solutions…..thanx to
the paper contains 50 questions in all divided into 5 sections( +1 mark for each right answer and -0.25 for each wrong.)
Duration was 1 hour.and total of 6 sets……my set was 5th……..total marks was 50 and cuttoff was 25 at our time (my score was 38,but my frnd secured 26 and he’s also through)
1st section = Comprehension which contains 5 question on words comparison like if water:glass then which of the foll. suits the most to the situation…they were EASy questions.
next 5 questions were from passage reading…they were VERY EASY…..
2nd section was data interpretation….R.S aggarwal (Quant) is sufficient for this section.they asked questions on pie chart and bar graphs…
3rd section was QUANT….no ned to worry bout this…it can be solved if u have good concentration….questions were like
time b/w a–>b == 2 hrs
a–>c ==1.5 hrs…
b ==> ==3 hrs…
and some data was given…then we were asked 5 questions on the topic to solve…they r easy but time consuming
next 5 questions were also very easy ,…….they can be solved on finger tips…
section 4 is of logical reasoning….
Question were very simple
questions on coding like if “like = qmfg” then “kiel” will be coded as Huh? ANS=fmgq
rest questions on time and distance and clock angle…….
last section was of simple quant and R.S Aggarwal is suffiecient for this section….you just need to manage your time………
Late night the result was declared at 11:00 and by GOD’s grace i cleared the written…we were called for the technical and H.R interview the next day at 9:00 A.M…We had ppt for some hour an so and we were reqiured to fill up an application blank and have to submit a copy of latest resume….
At last i was called for technical interview at 9:30 P.M (after 12 long hours……).
the lady was very very nice …she told me a bout herself and the product in which they deal…then my interview started…..
intr:diff. b/w synchoronous and asynchoronous systems
me:synchoronous uses clock and asynchoronous dont use clock…
intr: what is micro processor….
me:a clock drven multiprogrammable device……
intr: where have you done your training ?
me:i gave each and every detail of my profile during training and convinced her that i learnt something during my trainig.
then we just had some casuall talks regarding my family background and y i wanted to come onto the IT industry….(i m a communication student)
H.R was simple…they just check your attitute and confidence………..just go in talk to them as if they are your friend….
TIP:just be cool there they are just lookin for the ppl having confidence and ready to to do hard work….
the result was declared on the college web site next morning at 9:30 and i was very happy to c my name in the final list of 72 selected students…..
appeared = around 1000
cleared writeen = 199
finally selected = 72.
All the best for your exams and hope to c u at i-flex……..
i-flex solutions limited Placement Paper & Interview