i-flex solutions limited Placement Paper
Company: i-flex solutions limited
Hi Friends… I m Sarandeep. Rite now m pursuing my B.tech from GTBIT (GGSIPU) in ECE (3rd yr). The i-flex written paper was held on 24 March, 2007 at MAIT, Delhi and Interview was held on 25-26.
There was 1 written paper and 3 interview rounds.
There were total 50 questions, divided into 5 sections.
Marking scheme: +1 for every right ans. -0.25 for every wrong ans.
Time Limit: 1 hr.
10 Ques: Verbal (Analogy, fill the blank with appropriate word, ques on comprehension.)
10 Ques: Data Interpretation (Not Tough, but Time consuming)
10 Ques: Q.A (Simple)
10 Ques: Data Sufficiency.
10 Ques Puzzle Test (Little bit tricky)
Paper was easy, cut-off was high.
Interview for students of CS / IT and of colleges that are not in delhi was held on 25 March. And for NON CS / IT, interview held on 26 March.
There were three rounds.
2 Tech interviews and 1 HR.
Questions from C, C++, SQL, RDBMS, Software engineering, Data structures.
For CS / IT ques on JAVA
and ADA were also asked.
For NON CS / IT students, ques releted to their respective branches were asked.
As I m from ECE. I was asked about Analog Electronics and Microprocessor.
And you need to explain your whole Project.
Basic HR ques that were asked:-
1.) Your Introduction?
2.) Your objective?.
3.) Tell me something about ur family? (This is their favorite question so prepare it well)
4.) Why I-flex.?
5.) What do u know about i-flex?.
6.) Why do u want to switch over to IT solutions industry? (this is common for non CS/IT people)
7.) What do u know about IT Industry?
8.) Incidents in support of all that u have mentioned in C.V?
9.) Puzzles from the written paper.
10.)Any plans for higher studies? (Big No!!!!)
11.) Any Problem in Relocation? (Strict no no.).
12.) Your Hobbies, Interests, Strengths and Weaknesses, some other ques from C.V.
13.) Do you want to ask something from me? (Prepare a good question as not asking any question shows serious disinterest towards company, plz don’t ask salary, perks, allowances u will come to know them as soon as u r selected.)
FINALLY, the statistics.
More than 2500 students gave the Paper.
429 cleared the written. And finally, 113 were selected.
And by the grace of god, I got selected.
All the best, prepare well…. See u at i-flex…
i-flex solutions limited Placement Paper