IBM Placement Paper
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited
IBM Placement Paper Held on 22nd August 2010.
IBM Placement Paper Pattern
1.Data matrices
2.Number Series
3.Reasoning (Quantitative Aptitude)Each paper is different no option of working as you like, the order is followed strictly and we can go for other paper only after one another.
Each section has its own time limit.Time duration for different sections is:
1.Data matrices ( 15min)
2.Number Series ( 4min )
3.Reasoning ( 15 min)
Initially we have to start with Data matrices when the invigilator says start. It contains 15 questions and we should answer them in 15min. No negative marking in this section. When time ends invigilator says stop. Each question has its own arrangement and does not depend on the previous one. Just take care of it and perform as fast as possible.And again he says start then we should start Number series. It contains of 20 questions and should be answered in 4min. This section requires high accuracy and speed.
This section too has no negative marking. Series from R S Agarwal is more than sufficient. If u can’t find the logic then skip to next one and don’t waste time on working out with one question.Next when the invigilator says start we have to start Reasoning. It consists of 12 questions and not so easy and requires lot of calculation. So don’t keep hope on this section and do better in the above rounds. That’s hold your qualifying mark. Time for this section is 15min.
IBM Placement Paper
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