iGate Mascot Systems Placement Paper
Company: iGate Mascot Systems
iGate Mascot Systems Aptitude Complete Paper With Answers
hi friends!
This is venu,( I-Gate was previously known as Mascot Systems )
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Total 6 sections.
1)Computer Fundamentals
5)General Awareness
* All together 60 questions with each section containing 10 questions.
* All are multiple choice questions
1. One Nibble = ?
2. Hexadecimal and Octal representation of 1024 ?
3. What a compiler does ?
4. DOS ? (whether Graphical interface or Character interface and two more
choices are given)
5. CPU – abbrevation
6. Fortran used as ( Ans : Scientific Language)
7. ASCII character set ? (total number)
8. Windows NT- What NT stands for?
9. Which is not an input device ? (keyboard, Disk, Mouse,Lightpen)
10. Which is not a pointing device ?( mouse,Joy stick,lightpen none)
11. Microsoft Chief ?
12. 4GL ? (Fortran,SQL,ADA, ….)
13. Father of Computers?
14. Which of them is Object Oriented Language.?
15. Power PC is the product of ? (Microsoft,IBM,Apple,Motorola,Intel)
(A combination of any correct 3 companies)
16. Latest processor used ? (Pentium, Power PC, Pentium pro,none)
17. MS Word is ?
18. First Super Computer built in India. (Ans : param)
19. Which of the following companies donot manufacture chips?
(Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, HP)
20. LAN – abbrevation
21. WAN – abbrevation
22. Modem is ? (related to electrical hardware.- Like Modulator &demodulator)
23. FDD – abbrevation ( floppy Disc drive)
24. BIT – abbrevation
25. Information is ? (message, data,processed data,none)
26. Which is not networking ?(internet, Ethernet, arcnet,none)
27. One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)
28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ? (sybase, SQL,Acess,none)_
29. Oracle is ? (Ans : Relationasl Data Base Management System)
30. In Oracle, Table means ( Ans : Collection of records)
31. DMA – abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access,
Disk memoryaccess)
32. What is meant byStatic Variable ?
33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}
34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}
35. The processor used in first IBM PC? (8086,8088,zig4,intel)
36. Difference between 80286 and 80287
37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required ?(ans : formula : N*(N-1)/2)
38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison?
( 10,25,50 100)
39. CRT – (Cathode Ray Tube)
40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.
41. Binary tree?
42. Flow in one direction ? (Single linked list,Double linked
43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given.
Name the algoirithm)
44. Which is not storage device.? (printer,CD ROM,Disk,none)
45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused
46. ISO – (International Standard Organisation)
47. HTML – (Hyper Text Makeup Language)
48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)
49. What is meant by Recursion ?
50. Struct(s)
int a;
long b;
Union (u)
{int a;
long b;
Print sizeof(s)and sizeof(u) if sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long)=4
51.Switch (i)
case 1
case 2
break; ( ans : 1,2,3,none)
case 3
Output of i after executing the program
52. char S;
char S[6]= ” HELLO”;
printf(“%s “,S[6]);
output of the above program ? (0, ASCII 0, I,unpredictable)
53. Unsigned char c;
for ( c=0;c!=256;c++2)
No. of times the loop is executed ? (127,128,256,infinitely)
54. int i;
i=i+1; <====== PASCAL PROGRAM print i; until(i<10) end No. of times the loop is executed?
55. Convert (int A,var ,int B;int c) { A=10; B=4-; C=120; } Convert (inta,b,c) { <====== PASCAL PROGRAM a=1; b=4; c=12; } convert (A,B,c) ? (10,40,120 10,40,12,……….,…………)
56. Procedure A Begin ——– end <====== PASCAL PROGRAM Procedure B No. Of errors in the program ?(1,2,3,none) Begin ———– end
57. int i; i=2; i++; if(i=4) { printf(i=4); } else { printf(i=3); } output of the program ? (4,3,unpredictable,none)
58. what is FAT?. File allocation table QUANTITATIVE APPTITUDE TEST : ————————— Total 44 questions are there. Refer R.S. Aggarwal 1. How many degrees hours hand rotate in 10 minutes? 2. 1/(10 power 18) – 1/(10 power 20) = ? 3. 0lt in India.
(Ans : param)
19. Which of the following companies donot manufacture chips? (Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, HP)
20. LAN – abbrevation
21. WAN – abbrevation
22. Modem is ? (related to electrical hardware.- Like Modulator &demodulator)
23. FDD – abbrevation ( floppy Disc drive)
24. BIT – abbrevation
25. Information is ? (message, data,processed data,none)
26. Which is not networking ?(internet, Ethernet, arcnet,none)
27. One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)
28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ? (sybase, SQL,Acess,none)_
29. Oracle is ?
(Ans : Relationasl Data Base Management System)
30. In Oracle, Table means
( Ans : Collection of records)
31. DMA – abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access, Disk memoryaccess) 32. What is meant byStatic Variable ?
33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}
34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}
35. The processor used in first IBM PC? (8086,8088,zig4,intel)
36. Difference between 80286 and 80287
37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required ?
(ans : formula : N*(N-1)/2)
38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison? ( 10,25,50 100)
39. CRT – (Cathode Ray Tube)
40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.
41. Binary tree?
42. Flow in one direction ? (Single linked list,Double linked list,…….,….)
43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given. Name the algoirithm)
44. Which is not storage device.? (printer,CD ROM,Disk,none)
45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused memory,..)
46. ISO – (International Standard Organisation)
47. HTML – (Hyper Text Makeup Language)
48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)
49. What is meant by Recursion ?
50. Struct(s) { int a; long b; } Union (u) {int a; long b; } Print sizeof(s)and sizeof(u) if sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long)=4
51.Switch (i) i=1; case 1 i++; case 2 ++i; break; ( ans : 1,2,3,none) case 3 –i; Output of i after executing the program
52. char S; char S[6]= ” HELLO”; printf(“%s “,S[6]); output of the above program ? (0, ASCII 0, I,unpredictable)
53. Unsigned char c; for ( c=0;c!=256;c++2) printf(“%d”,c); No. of times the loop is executed ? (127,128,256,infinitely)
54. int i; i=0; repeat i=i+1; <====== PASCAL PROGRAM print i; until(i<10) end No. of times the loop is executed?
55. Convert (int A,var ,int B;int c) { A=10; B=4-; C=120; } Convert (inta,b,c) { <====== PASCAL PROGRAM a=1; b=4; c=12; } convert (A,B,c) ? (10,40,120 10,40,12,……….,…………)
56. Procedure A Begin ——– end <====== PASCAL PROGRAM Procedure B No. Of errors in the program ?(1,2,3,none) Begin ———– end
57. int i; i=2; i++; if(i=4) { printf(i=4); } else { printf(i=3); } output of the program ? (4,3,unpredictable,none)
58. what is FAT?.
File allocation table
QUANTITATIVE APPTITUDE TEST : ————————— Total 44 questions are there.
Refer R.S. Aggarwal
1. How many degrees hours hand rotate in 10 minutes?
2. 1/(10 power 18) – 1/(10 power 20) = ?
prepare well
best of luck
iGate Mascot Systems Placement Paper
About iGate Mascot Systems
Mascot Systems today announced it is changing its name to iGATE Global Solutions Limited (IGS). The announcement was made following approval from the company’s shareholders during its Annual General Meeting held on June 20, 2003. According to a company release, in the past 6 months, various acquisitions have transformed the company into a larger-scale organization with expanded service offerings in the BPO, Data Management and CRM areas and increased geographic presence within India and in China. The change in name brings the company into harmony with the worldwide identity of the parent company, iGATE Corporation. “The name change decision reflects the importance that offshore services have taken for iGATE Corporation as a whole, and emphasizes our commitment to expanding iGATE Global Solutions,” said Sunil Wadhwani, Chairman, iGATE Global Solutions. “The new identity gives us a strong brand name to re-position us in the international marketplace”, said Ashok Trivedi, Vice Chairman, iGATE Global Solutions.visit offical website of iGATE Global Solutions for more details.