IMPETUS Placement Paper
Company: IMPETUS
Hello Friends,
the format of the paper is they ask 10 simple qs of logical reasoning and 30 technical qs with 2-3 qs on all the topics ranging from DBMS,S/w engg.,networking,c,c++ etc. for the preperation u can refer multiple chice questions in computer science book by Timothy J Williams.the cut off is 50% and time given is r a few qs.
1) for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { printf(“%d”,i); continue; i++; }
ans: 1,2,3
2) if(a=0) printf(” a is 0 “); else printf(” a is not 0 “);
3) which are distructive testing
4) wat is the size of new generation ip x addreass(IP x 6)
5) wat is the initial IP address(IP x 4)
6) Que is implemented by array and linked list
7) more SQL IN or EXISTS both depended on the requirement.
8) In sql wat is not true
ans : c(index are not unique)
9) banker algorithm is used for deadlock avoidance
10) which is not s/w testing technique
ans:syntax testing
11) 7 virtual table ,7 virtual pointers
12) size of *p,p,char*p
13) quicksort
ans: divide and conquer
14) IP address —–.25,——-.240(subnet)
15) layer which divide frame into segment (networking)
16) data declaration statements r checked in which pass off assembler;
ans: pass1,pass2
17) which of the declaration statements r correct
a)extern int i=0;
b)extern int i;
ans:b)and c)(order of options may vary)
18) which of the following is not characteristic of testing
d)understandability(according to me all r characteristics of testability)
19) dynamic cost
20) command to come out of shell
ans:ctrl Z
21) union ans: static
22) command-size of file
ans: ls-l
23) user
24) stmt by 2
25) denormalize
ans: to merge the tables
26) which of the following is not true for bitfields
ans:all of the above
27) love
28) chinese:asian
ans: italian :european
29) shoes
30) how many lines in octagon for similar triangles
ans: 4
31) afigure of pentagon with 2 dots n how many moves required is asked
32) age 16years
33) aaaa
34) replace the first letter of every word so tht new words r formed
35) lawyer:court
ans: sailor
36) coding the word ans:just reverse the word
IMPETUS Placement Paper