Indian Space Research Organisation Placement Paper
Company: Indian Space Research Organisation
14. A root α of equation f(x)=0 can be computed to any degree of accuracy if a ‘good’ initial approximation X0 is chosen for which
a f (x0) > 0
b f (x0) f”( x0) > 0
c f (x)0 f” (x0) < 0 d f” (x0) > 0
15. Which of the following statement is correct?
a ∆ (Uk Vk) = Uk ∆ Vk + Vk ∆ Uk
b ∆ (Uk Vk) = Uk+ 1 ∆ Vk + Vk+1 ∆ Uk
C ∆ (Uk Vk) = Vk+1 ∆ Uk + Uk ∆ Vk
d ∆ (Uk Vk) = Uk+ 1 ∆ Vk + Vk ∆ Uk
16. The shift operator E is defined as
E [f(xi)] = f (xi+h) and E-1[f(xi)) = f (xi-h)
Then ∆ (forward difference) in terms of E is
a E – 1
b E
C 1-E-1
d 1-E
17. The formula
a Simpson rule
b Trapezoidal rule
c Romberg’s rule
d Gregory’s formula
18. The cubic polynomial y(x) which takes the following values: y(O)=1, y(1 )=0, y(2)=1 and y(3)=10 is,
a x3 + 2×2 + 1
b x3 + 3×2 – 1
C x3 + 1
d x3 – 2×2 + 1
19. x = a cos(t), y:;: b sin(t) is the parametric form of
a Ellipse
b Hyperbola
c Circle
d Parabola
Indian Space Research Organisation Placement Paper
About Indian Space Research Organisation
The Indian Space Research Organisation or is the national space agency of India, headquartered in Bengaluru. It operates under Department of Space which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India, while Chairman of ISRO acts as executive of DOS as well..visit offical website of Indian Space Research Organisation for more details.