Infosys Technologies Ltd Placement Paper & Interview
Company: Infosys Technologies Ltd
Dear aspirant..
I took up exam on jan 7th 2007 in Chennai. As we all know that pattern is changed, how ever we expect the questions to be minimum of three questions will be really unpredicted. so please make sure that u have adequate preparations. More than the luck u need hard work and lot of practice and the more is time management!
Here is the Critical reasoning!
1) Most of the series of question paper has the CUBE problem as first question. Never get pissed off, its always 3*3 ,4*4 ,5*5 rarely 10*10 cube given.
My question was this
A) How many cubes are no side painted
B) How many cubes 1 side painted
C) How many cubes 2 sides painted
D) How many cubes 3 sides painted
E) How many cubes painted 3 sides with 3 different colors.
Solution: Please have ref to cubes and dices topic from verbal and non-verbal rs.agarwal
Approach can be like this.. What ever the cube is given take it into layers. Top layer, bottom layer and the middle layer(s). Since this cube is 5*5 u have 3 middle layers. Draw down the cube immediately and use pencil, blue pen and black pen to isolate the 1 side painted,2 side painted,3 sides painted . this is how u can approach. Cube problem always consumes time. So my suggestion is to have it as a last option.
2) This was picture oriented problems.
My question paper had missing fig identification. So picture problems can be of àcontinue the series àmissing one( the third missing ll b asked) àodd one out It took 5mins completely. U need to have concentration more and ur observing needs to b fixed on to the paper. Clues are.. first check for the shapes, then direction, then fig in fig out combinations, addition of new fig will b little complicated don get screwed up. If there is a elimination of a part in the fig jus check out if there is addition of a new fig.this is the approach. U need to spend min 5 mins max of 10 mins. Never ignore the RS Agarwal pictures problems.
3)Data sufficiency.
RSAgarwal doesn help much in this please go thro any cat materials for this particular section. Coz it always analytical or geometrical checks for solution. RSAgarwal has jus the theory-based questions.
1) pnr calculation ,find p . Data given were n separately and r separately
2) a square with diagonal was given, and the data were measure of the side and the value of the diagonal. Question was to say if it is a square or not.
3)a theoretical question to find if ravi is an engineer or not data were
a) all ram?s friends are engineers
b) ravi is not ram?s friend.
4) a equation was given and the constant was asked algebraically calculation. Both the data were required.
5) This was again a theory .i forgot the question.. Sorry
The other possibilities are linear equations also
4)Data interpretation.
This section was really a mind blowing one. Consumes 15 mins atleast,
A stock market bar graph was given and 5 questions followed. Out of which 3 questions were based on the average calculation. Even the difference was with decimals so u need accurate calculation. But don waste time. Look for 2 direct questions and answer them first . and calculate average and if have patience to do that do it else ignore the 3 questions.
It took more than 15 mins for me ..
5)Now again comes the logical based critical , here u need to concentrate on all the topics given in puzzles and misallanous puzzles from RSAgarwal. Puzzles are not literally puzzles like shakunthala Devi or joerge summers they are like how its given in RSAgarwal verbal n non verbal
Five to six topics are there plz don ignore any topic coz they ask from any of the six. They can be from commity formation,sequential problems(Monday thro saturady and timings based) ,seating arrangement or venn diagram based and what was asked for me was from blood relations. It was very simple but don ignore any section.
My question was Radha and manillal had 2 children simma and shilpa, sima is married to anuj son of jaggar and monish they have 2 children rita and sony.prathika who si anuj sister got married to shushim they have a child arjun.
Questions were like how they are related to each other.. no names were missed out in the question. So first draw out the father mother child tree u can get it easily, have the couples name together so tat u need not confuse with husband wife and obviously the couple ll have children so u can categorize it easily.
6) Logical sequence.
The options were more logical indeed unlike cats are humans, bats are balls.. Nothing like that it was very logical
For eg:
a) All the detergents are chemicals
b) All the detergents are harmful
c) Brand x is a detergent
d) Brand x is not harmful
e) Brand x is harmful so if u understand the sense in it u can logically arrange it.
However u prepares urself make sure that u don waste time there with one problem and leave the rest. In data interpretation and relationship kind of problems check out if u could predict at least 2 answers jus go with that don confuse with the rest 3.
1) compherension
there are 2 comprehension asked out of which one will be sequentially questioned,. Ur first question will have the answer in the first Para the second in the second like that the other comprehension will be ant sequential first questioned at the last so the tip I can give is .. read the questions have the questions behind the mind then start reading the Para and the second tip is never do comprehension first keep it for the last 10 mins.
One compre would take 7 mins and the other 3 mins. So plan accordingly
2) comprehension (anti sequential)
3) pick out the right sentence from the given 4 sentences.
The concentration is more into prepositions. So check for the words like, of,off,for,from ,by and all preposition word. Don keep reading the entire sentence coz the sentence is lengthy, trace out where the difference is made and check which would be apt one.
4) fill in the blanks with suitable phrases, very very simple
eg: ——————– lost my wallet I had to go back home to get the money
a) as I had
b) though I
c) even when
d) because
HR questions.
Panel of two one male one female always Mark sheet verification is first done, u need to have photocopies of all Ur mark sheets (this was not intimated and few were running for photo copies)
Mam: had ur lunch
Sir: so 2005 passed out?
Mam: Ur name sounds different what is the meaning
Sir: so u r employed now?
Mam: what is that u enjoy in ur job?
Sir: have u ever felt this job bores?
Mam: how is Ur boss to u
Sir: tell me about Ur job profile explain it
Mam: how many employees in ur company
Mam: when was Ur Company established?
Mam: who is the C.E.O in ur company
Sir: why do u need a change from networking to software
Mam: do u mind relocating ?
Sir: marriage plans?
Sir : situation was given , customer x needs a lower end product but ur manager asks u to sell a higher end product , what will u do ( keep the key in mind cutomers first and I answered keeping that in mind)
Mam: so u sing ? ( my hobby said that ) and u cook ?? so how do u manage home , mom and office together ? ( since my mom was bed ridden she asked that )
Mam: have u organized any programs at college or office? Have u enjoyed that? I said with examples.
Sir: a puzzle at the four corners tress are there in between which a square shaped swimming pool was thr of side measure 1 m ,. How will u expand the swimming pool 4 times more without removing the tress?
Sir : have u ever been a decision maker in ur job ?
Mam: has ur boss accepted all ur decisions?( I answered with example and said 6/7 is accepted)
Sir: why was the one decision denyed?
Mam: have u inrecated with all the employees at office?
Mam: any questions to us .. ( I jus asked about what kind of projects will be assigned and about the training place why is it always mysore )
While u r asked to work the puzzle they observe ur dressings, body language ,, expressions.. so keep ur face cool and sit erect jus bending the head and don strike and scribble and work out put it as steps and show them jus the approach is wat they want . never lie never use any negative terms.
Awaiting results .. plz pray for me .
Infosys Technologies Ltd Placement Paper & Interview