Company: satyam
This is kavitha..from SSJ engineering college…….
I got placed in CTS….before tht……I hav attended for the INFOTECH..selection the month of September…and went up to tech interview..but iam unable to clear my TECH interview..
ok here i am giving information about comapany WRITTEN test ,GD,as well as tech intreview…
SECTION-1: quant( from R.S agarwal…)
topics coverd are—-Allegation and Mixers,boats and streams,Ages,Time and distance ,Time and work ,%,s and also clock problems……..
SECTION -2: Logical Reasoning(they hav given 3 blood relation problems)
SECTION-3: Antonyms (10)
SECTION-4: Synonyms (10)
SECTION-5: Data interpretaion–( work out data interpretaion problems in R S Agarwal book…its more than enough) this section is of 10 i think so…
Thats all the written test…Time management is important here…
Bcoz there is a SECTION wise cutoff in test… plsss…go through all the sections…
In my group they hav selected 6 out of 10…
Students..usally thinks tht G.D is the toughest ROUND…..and we require good communication skills and good vocab… Right?
But its false impression…so plss get out of tht…impression…..bcoz…. even with simple words we can express more effectively…just we need a practice in such a way…
One thing…they are just…checking ur fluency (i,e they wont observe wheather u r speaking gramaticaly correct or not….so….go on speaking
and try to express ur views in a attractive manner..okkk..) and 2nd thing is — Be active During entire discussion even though..u dont hav any points to tell… and also so show more intrest and enthusiasm regarding topic given..
I think These small tips will defently going to help U and becomes + ve points ….
some other G.D ..topics on tht day —
almost all are SATYAM GD topics…
III round is TECH interview:
As i am from ECE back ground… they hav covered almost all the subjects…like
Micro processors and controler,EDC,communication systems,computer networks and also o/s ,mobile communication,radar,and C,CPP…
but all are basics…and they stresed in some areas toooo
my panel consists of 2 male HR,s…
hr: whats ur full name?
me: iam kavitha gundamaraju
hr: tell me sth abt ur self?
me: blah..blah….
hr: whats ur intresting subjects?
Me: Computer networks and operating systems…
hr: ok…whats is kernal in o/s?
Me: its a heart of operating system…
hr ;ok…Explain sliding window protocol..inCN?
hr: what is piggy backing?
me: at tht time i was unable to recollect… said …sorry sir…. i am unable to recollect now..
hr: ok
hr: ok..whats is a pointer? whats the memory taken by interger and a 32 bit compiler…?
Me: 4 bytes and char takes ..2 bytes
hr: ok..print the numbers from 1 to 10 and 1.0 to 10.0 and also print the address .. i,e…adres(1),adres(2) tht?
Me: i hav written using for loop… but he has asked difrent questions on tht program…i hav answerd all …
hr: diffrence between Array and Structure? an also Union…
hr: in CPP they hav asked abt Polymorphisam?
hr: who is the Father of C..language..
me:Dennis richie..
hr: whats is the newer version of WINDOWS?
hr: whats r the special fearture of VISTA ?
hr: What is the COmputer Economic?
me: i hav explained something…but i dont know weather its right or wrong…
hr: How the signal passes from one mobile to another mobile? explain it…?
ME: i hav explained with the help of MTSO ..(Mobile Telephone Swithing Office..)…
hr: ok…where the signal gets ampilfied? weather at MTSO or cell site?
ME:I told at MTSO..but i was not sure abt tht..
hr: what is the operating frequency for the mobiles..?
hr: difrence between micro processor and micro controler?
HR: whats is the dead lock in CN? How can we over come tht?
HR :whats is the DIODE? whast are the 2 sides of a diode?
Hr: draw p-n-p and n-p-n symbols..?
Me: me drawn..
Hr: Can U make a diode using 2 transistors?
Hr: whats is the transistor?
Hr; what is an amplifier? types of amplifiers?
ME: CC,CE and CB configuraytions
Hr: draw the diagrams for all configuraions..?
Me:What is the MOdulation..?
Hr: yy we go for a Modulation of a signal?
Me: explaied the ned for modulation…i.e.. to decrese the antenna height and to overcome distortion..etc.etc..
Hr: whats r the types of modulation? explian all..?
HR:ok…Draw the basic diagram of a communication system..?
Me: drawn one TX and a RX and a channel and expleid..abt tht..
HR: ok ..Whats is the difrence between a AC and DC?
Hr: y ..we prefer DC over AC?
Hr: whats is the highest .. % of JNTU in 2006?
ME: I dont hav an idea sir…
HR: its ok… Where do u want to se ur self after 5 years?
ME :I hav …told what i hav prepared already..
HR: Dou know any one in INFOTECH..?
ME: yes sir,,my brother,s freind is working in INFOTECH…
HR: ok..Who is tht?
ME: I dont know the name brother told in some situation. tht INFOTECH freind is ..sos and so…
HR: ok..whats ur brother..?
ME: My brother is working in SATYAM…
HR: Then ..Y dont u go for reference..satyam..?
ME; sir…I want to get the job by own efforts…. If i get the job through il not give 100% work satisfaction….
HR: thts nice to here..kavitha..
HR: ok we ill intimate u in the evening..
ME: thnk..U..Sir..
thts all my interview..
I was very confident tht..i il get through ..the technical interview… but ..i dint clear….They ill give more impotance to EEE and EIE and Mechanical students….