Company: Indian Space Research Organisation
1. The root directory of disk should be placed at___
2. DNS is basically used to ____
3. one more ques on DNS
4. abt TCP and UDP
5. TCP’s which layer is there for the OSI’s first three layers.
6. Multiprocessing models have—
b)unsymmetric models
c)none of the above
d) both
7. BCDhave binary nos in
b) bytes
8. Top-down parser ….
a) leftmost derivation
b)rightmost derivation
c)leftmost derivation in reverse
d)rightmost derivation in reverse
9. Loop which avoids check at every iteration
a) loop controlling
b) loop jamming tree was given and some expressions were there and we have to find the correct postfix
11.abt logic gates
12.worst case of Shell sort
13.sine wave can be split into
a)set of sine waves
b)set of sine waves with phase zero
14.Full binary tree with n vertices has how many leaf nodes somethng like this…
15.Complete graph with n vertices and somethng a cyclic graph with n vertices how many minimum edges
SET 2:
1. The minimum number of edges in a connected cyclic graph on n vertices is
a) n-1 b) n c) n+1 d)none of these
2. A full binary tree with n non leaf nodes contains
a) n nodes b) log n nodes c)2n-1 nodes d)2n nodes
3. The time complexity of shell sort
a) O(n) b) O(log n) c) O(n 1.2 ) d)O(n2)
4. The time taken to insert an element after an element pointed by some pointer
a) O(1) b) O(log n) c) O(n) d) O(nlogn)
5. what is the name given to the first generation computer?
a) Binary language b)Machine language c)Assembly language
6. The root directory of a disk should be placed
a) at a fixed address in main memory
b) at a fixed location on disk
c) anywhere on disk.
7. A top down parser generates
a) right most derivation
b) left most derivation
c) right most derivation in reverse
d) left most derivation in reverse
8. what is the name of the OS that reads and reacts in terms of actual time?
a)batch system
b)time sharing
c)real time
9. FDDI is a
a)ring network
b)star network
c)mesh network
10.Computer memory consists of
d)all the above