Manhattan Associates Placement Paper
Company: Manhattan Associates
Paper: Manhattan
Associates Placement Paper (EJB,
1) What is true about ‘Primary Key class’ in Entity Beans?
(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.
(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.
(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment
2) The Home Interface in Entity beans
(a) Provides at least one create() method
(b) May not provide any create() method
(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method
(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method
3) In CMP of Entity beans
(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined
(b) Constructor is not defined
4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()
5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()
6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown?
(a) EJBException
(b) RemoteException
7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?
(a) NullPointerException
(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException
(c) CreateException
(d) ObjectNotFoundException
(e) All the above
(f) None of the above
8) CMP bean provides
(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()
JSP and Mislleneous
1) What is the purpose of XSL
(a) Convert XML to HTML
(b) Convert HTML to XML
2) resultSet has the following methods
(a) next()
(b) first()
(c) a & b
(d) No methods
3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?
(a) RoundRobin
(b) FIFO
(c) LIFO
4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Any Number
(d) 10
5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?
(a) WEB-INF directory
(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory
(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH
(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml
6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor
(a) distributable
(b) distributed=”true”
(c) both a & b
7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always
(a) YES
(b) NO
8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following
syntaxes are correct ?
9) One small question on tag
1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?
class Trial {
String _member;
void method1() {
for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) { _member += “test”; } } void method2() { String temp; for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) { temp += “test”; } _member = temp; } }
(a) method1()
(b) method2()
(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution
2) Integer.parseInt(“12a”) returns
(a) Exception
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) -1
3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method
(a) Call by Value
(b) Call by Reference
(c) Strings cannot be passed to function
4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING
5) What is the output of following program ?class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { System.out.println(i–); } } }
(a) Goes into infinite loop
(b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2
(d) None
6) ‘t’ is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of thisthread ?
(a) t.yield()
(b) yield(t)
(c) yield(0
(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time
7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?
8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ? String str = ” a+b=10 “; trim(str) str.replace(+,-);
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
9) An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whetherit’s legal to do it or not ?
10) A question on “interface”
11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method
(a) finally()
(b) finalize()
(c) final()
12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden
13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?
(a) declare it as final
(b) declare it as static
14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?
(a) FileInputStream
(b) InputStreamReader
(c) BufferedReader
15) One Question on Inner Classes.
16) One program on Overloading and Overriding
17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements getexecuted ?
18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0. class { public static void main(String argv[]) { int i=0; //code here } }
(a) System.out.println(i++)
(b) System.out.println(i+’0′)
(c) System.out.println(i–)
(d) System.out.println(i)
19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:class Test { int x,y; Test(int a) { //Code for very complex operations will be written //in this place x=a; } Test(int a, int b) { //Code for very complex operations will be written //in this place (same code as in above constructor) x=a; y=b; } } SQL
1) 2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)And there are 3 queries. I remember one query. Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?
2) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
3) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?
Manhattan Associates Placement Paper
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