Company: Mascot Systems Private Limited

1) Which of the following language is a functional language
a. RPG
b. Small Talk
c. PI/I

Ans. (c)
2) What is the full form of ATM
a. Automated teller machine
b. All time money
c. Asynchronous transfer mode
d. Active test monitor

Ans. (c)
3) FDDI is a
a.  ring network
b. star network
c. mesh network
d. bus based network

Ans. (a)
4) Which is pure object oriented language?
a. Effiel
b. C++
c. object pascal
d. Small talk

Ans. (d)
5) x.25 transfer protocal is used for

a.  packet switching
b. circuit switching
c.  framing
d. datagram

Ans. (b)
6) What is the binary equivalent of decimal 269?

a. 100001100
b. 100001010
c. 101001011
d. 100001101

Ans. (c)
7) The 4NF is for

a. related to Multi-Value Dependency
b. related to transitive dependency
c. related to function dependency
d. non trival function or multi value dependency

8) The LRU algorithm
a. pages out pages that have been used recently
b. pages out pages that have not been used recently
c. pages out pages that have been least used recently
d. pages out the first page in given data

Ans. (c)
9) A search procedure which assosiates an address with a key value and provides a mechanism for dealing with two or more values assigned to the same address to the same address is called.
a. linear search
b. binary search
c. hash coded search
d. radix search

Ans. (c)
10) A t-switch is used to
a. control how message are passed between computers
b. echo every character that received
c. transmit characers one at a time
d. rearrange the ….

Ans. (c)
11) EE-ROM is

a. electricity erasable
b. easily erasable
c. non erasable
d. effective erasable

Ans. (a)
12) Which device can sense inventory data specified in bar codes?

a. mouse
b. light pen
c. holographs
d. joysticks

Ans. (c)
13) Corba stands for …

a. common object request broker architecture
b. combined recovery based system
c. code recovery bench architecture
d. none of the above

Ans. (a)
14) Which is non-procedural language?
a. effiel
b. ada
c. small talk
d. sql

Ans. (a)
15) Which of the following language supports associative arrays?

a. pl/i
b. rpg
c. perl
d. ada

Ans. (c)
16) Which network protocol IBM mainframe and midrange support

a.  SNA
b.  TCP/IP
c.  X.25
d. IEEE 802.5

Ans. (a)
17) The achronym DAN stands for

a. data acess network
b. distributed area network
c. desktop area network
d. disk access node

Ans. (a)
18) The program fragment that follows is written in a block-structured language . Assume that it is syntactically correct and determine its output
integer x,y;
integer x;
integer y;

a. 25 27
b. 27 27
c. 27 3
d. 25 3
e. 25 25

Ans. (e)
19) Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?
a. arithmetic-logic unit
b. control unit
c. memory unit
d. input/output unit

Ans. (b)
20) Microprocessors can be used to make
a. computers
b. calculators
c. digital systems
d. all the above

Ans. (d)
21) FORTRAN implimentation do not permit recursion because

a. they use static allocation for variables
b. they use dynamic allocation for variables
c. stacks are not avalible on all machines
d. it is not possible to impliment recursion on all m/c s

Ans. (a)
22) What does the following code do
var a,b :integer
a :=a+b
b :=a-b
a :=a-b
a. exchange a and b
b. doubles a and stores in b
c. leaves a and b unchanged
d. none

Ans. (a)
23) For program segment given bellow, which of the follwing are true?

program main(output)
type link = ^data
data = record
d : record
n : link
var ptr : link;
ptr :=nil;
ptr ^.d :=5.2
a. the program leads to compile time error
b. the program leads to run time error
c. the program produces error relating to nil pointer dereferencing
d. both b and a

24) What is the output of the program segament below if the compiler operates call byreference?
procedure CALC(P,Q,R);
A:=2.5; B:=9.0;
end; {main}
a. 1.5
b. 2.5
c. 10.5
d. 8
e. 6.5
Ans. (d)
25) Which of the following is not provided in C?

a. test loops
b. grouping and subprograms
c. synchronization, coroutines,and parallel processing
d. all the above

Ans. (c)
26) Data encryption

a. is most used by public billboard networks
b. is most used by public financial networks
c. cannot be used by private installation
d. is not necessary ..

Ans. (a)
27) An ideal compiler should

a. be a smaller in size
b. produce object code that is smaller in size and executes faster
c. take less time of compiling
d. all the above

Ans. (d)
28) What will be the value of x and y after execution of the following statment ( C language)
n== 5; x = n++; y = –x;
a. 5,4
b. 6,5
c. 6,6
d. 5,5

Ans. (d)
29) For athe following code
1 i:=1;sum:=0;
2 sum:=sum+1;
3 i:=i+1
4 until i=n
let”A” represent the initialization(i:=1;sum:=0)of line 1.let”B”represent the summing action within the loop(loop 2),and let “i” represent the increment (line 3).if “T”represents the best contained in line 4,which of the following regular expressions represents all possiblee sequences of the steps taken by this program fragment?

a. A(BIT)(BI) T

30) Consider the production grammer

S -> AB
S -> BC
A -> WA
A -> X
B -> Y
B -> ZB
C -> W
Consider this grammer together with one and only one of the productions (A) through(E).what production from the list may not be added to retain its status as an LL(1) grammer?
a. S -> CA
b. S -> Z
c. C -> Z
d. C -> BC
e. More than one of the above

31) Consider the function below:
function calc(x,y:integer):integer;
if y=1
then calc:=x
else calc:=calc(x,y-1)+x
assuming that the invocation call is “calc(a,b)”and that “a”and “b”are positive integers,what result does this function return?
a. a*(b-1)
b. a*b
c. a+b
d. a power b
e. a*b
32) In a left-to-right breadth-first search of the tree below,which would be first terminal node to be explored?
__/__ ____
__B__ _____
a. F
b. B
c. I
d. J
e. E

33) Which data structure is needed to convert infix notations to postfix notations?
a. linear list
b. queue
c. tree
d. stack

Ans. (d)
34) Recursive procedures are implemented by
a. queues
b. stacks
c. linked lists
d. strings

Ans. (b).
35) A linear list of elments in which deletion can be done from one end (front)and insertion can take place only at the other end(rear)is known as
a. queues
b. stacks
c. trees
d. deque

Ans. (a)
36) A linear list in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle is known as
a. queue
b. deque
c. stack
d. tree

Ans. (a)
37) Which of the following sorting procedure is slowest

a. quick sort
b. heap sort
c. shell sort
d. bubble sort

Ans. (d)
38) How many 1’s are present in the binary representation of 3 x 512 + 7 x 64 + 5 x 8 =3?
a. 8
b. 9

Ans. (d)

39) File record length

a. should always be fixed
b. should always be variable
c. depends upon the size of the file
d. should be choosen to match the data characteristics

Ans. (a)

40) NLP stands for

a. natural language processing
b. neuro logic programming
c. normal logic pad
d. nominal loadable process
e. none

Ans. (a)