Company: IBM India Pvt Limited
Hi friends,
IBM Selection Process:
1) Written test
i) Verbal Ability
ii) Mathematical
iii) Analytical
iv) Techinal
2) HR and Technical Interview.
Written test had 55 questions.
i)Verbal Ability consisted of simple questions on prepositions and Synonyms like:
1) Are you aware —- the consequences of cutting down trees.
a. of
b. about
c. on
d. into
a. Lazy
b. Energytic
c. Naughty
d. Pretty
2) Mathematical section was also simple like:
1) if * is replaced by +,/ is replaced by *,+ is replaced by -,- is replaced by /, then the resulting answer for 5+6/2*4-7 is
4 options.
2) Problem an ages.
3) Analytical just requires you to look carefully. Questions were like:
Mark the answers according to the options shown below:
a) if all 3 answers r the same.
b) if only 1st and 2nd are equal.
c) if 1st and 3rd are equal.
d) if 2nd and 3rd are equal.
e) if all 3 are different.
1) a. 3243321 b. 32433242 c. 324343543
2) a. Venkatesh Rishpal b. Venkatesh Rishapal c. Venkatesha Rishpal.
4) Technical questions were on C and Unix.
1) The allocation of pointer to 5 integer elements can be done dynamically by:
i) int i=char(*)malloc(sizeof(int));
ii) void i=char(*)malloc(sizeof(int));
a) only i b) only ii c) ii and iii d) none of the above.
2) Another question on Pointers.
3)The operator to redirect from input-output to stderr is:
a) p>>> b) p>> c) < d)>
4) Few more ques on unix….i dont remember.
Test was over by 11.30 and we had to wait till 2.30 for our results. They announced the names of shortlisted candidates….205 of us had cleared out of 600.
Next we waited til 4 for our HR and Technical round which was clubed into a single round.
In this round their major concentration is on your communication and how strong you are at talking and putting across you thoughts.
As soon as i was called:
Me: Excuse me sir, may i come in?
Sir: Yes come in.
Me:( i waited for him to offer me the seat)
Sir: Please be seated.
Me: Thank you Sir.
Sir: Hello Mamta, How are you?
Me: Im fine sir, Thank you.
Sir: Had your lunch?
Me: No sir..not yet.(it was 5.00 pm at that time.)
;Sir: why?
Me: Sir I thought ill see my results and then have lunch, but as soon as our the results were out,we were called into the seminar room for further rounds…. (i was too straight forward and truthfull (except for few questions) thru out the interwiew). So didnt have
lunch yet.
Sir: Are u happy that you are shortlisted?
Me: Oh! Definitely Sir.
Sir: Tell me about youself.
Me: I started off with my education, my projects, my family, my strengths, my hobbies and i stopped there.
Sir: so wat are ur weakness?
Me: Sir this is one tough question to answer..and i paused.
Sir: so dont you want to answer?
Me: I will..and i started to….but he said…k no problem..weakness is one negative point in everyone..which they work to overcome it…so thts k,lets not talk about it.
Sir: He asked wat r ur interets? wat do u do in free time?
Me: Music,I play guitar and key board in free time. i do painting as well…..other than that in my free time i also keep myself updated with the technology…..i ve learnt .net and swings thru net in my free time.
Sir: Talk on the topic Cinemas.
Me: Spoke for sometime…
Sir: Do u think they are advantage or dis advantage to the youth?
Me: It totally depends on the individual, its an advantage wen a person watches it to relax himself…and for entertainment sake…after a stressfull exam..but wen one gets addicted to movies it might become an disadvantage like he may lose interest in studies,bunking classes etc.
Sir: Do u think they have a message to the youth??
Me: Oh yes Sir,some recent movies like Lage raho…has a great message about Gandhiji and his ideologies and philosophies. We ie this generation people had almost forgotten gandhi. we had jus seen him in our currence notes,but had given very less thought about his principles…but after watching the movie,we have started adopting those…blah blah…i spoke spoke n spoke…
Sir: ok now lets talk technical,tell me about your project.
Me: I explained it to him.
Sir: Wat will happen wen u restart the sys,if you had not shut down the system properly.
Me: I said the scan disk will check for errors and cheaks if all the files are proper or damaged.
Sir: Difference between Win 98 and Win 2000.
Me: I told him a few..
Sir: Asked few more such questions..
Me: I answered all that i i said i dont know.
Sir: Told few things about the position i was hired that this…
Me: i asked him a few questions too…
Sir: Do u have any question?
Me: i said no..
Sir: He raised his eyebrows n said.. your interview is can wait for your will be announced by 7.
Me: Thank you Sir.
Results were out br 8.00 Pm, I was happy that i was selected…our offer intimation letters were given on the same day..
All the Best.
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