Company: Reliance BPO Private Limited
hello friends
i hv appeared 4 the test , it was consisting of followings…
MAT(mental ability test) it was of 30 mins and there were 60 questions
ques.. were simple u need not to do much more paper work…..
qus were like on series abt 10 qs… english vocab, grammer,, few apti…
i got 40 out of 60
then break of 2 mins only and 2nd test started..
TAT(technical awareness test) it was also of 30 mins and 60 qs…
it was really gud collection qs. were on NETWORKING ie. on OSI,TCP/IP,layers,,few on OS…
i got 33 out of 60
cutoff was 65…..
i was selected 4 interview…
it was completely on NETWORKING & Modulation..
ie AM,FM,PCM, telecomm devices,, routers,,bridges,,,