
SATYAM Placement Papers

Company: satyam

Short Listing of Resume

Q. Does company have its own form or uses standard placement form?
A. Yes, the company uses the standard placement form.

Q. Does company apply the shortlist to the resumes submitted?
A. Yes, company applies shortlist to the resumes submitted.

Q. Is the shortlist qualifying in nature or eliminatory (merit based)?
A. The shortlist is mostly eliminatory in nature.

Q. What is normally the ratio of shortlist. (i.e. how many people are shortlisted vs. applied)?
A. The ratio varies depending on the requirement. General ratio is around 1:3.

Q. Is there advantage for work ex guys?
A. Yes, work experience is given due weightage.

Q. Is there a leaning towards particular background of students in the shortlist?
A. Yes, there is general preference for engineering background.

Q. Does grad matter in the shortlist?
A. Yes but not too much.

Q. What role does extra-curricular activities plays in the shortlist process?
A. Extra-curricular are not important

Q. What qualities should the candidate highlight in his/her resume?
A. Hardworking, technically sound, a tradeoff on communication skills is also there in lieu of strong tech skills

Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make in his/her resume?
A. Highlighting Communication skills and other soft skills, people here are looking for hardcore technical skills.

Written Test

The company does not conduct any written test.

Group Discussions

GD is not a art of the recruitment process.

Case Studies

case studies are not a part of the recruitment process.

Group situation

recruitment process does not comprise of any group situation.

Preliminary Interview

Q. Does company conducts preliminary interviews?
A. Yes, there is one interview before the final Interview.

Q. Is this step qualifying or eliminatory? If eliminatory then normally what is the ratio of shortlist?
A. This is eliminatory in nature

Q. What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. Generally interview lasts for around 20 minutes and the no. of panelists are around two-three.

Q. How does the interview start?
A. Interview starts by panelists asking you personal questions.

Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Subject, technical skills, problem solving, puzzles are given to solve,

Q. Does company create situations akin to ‘stress interview’? Describe some?
A. No, not really. Its quiet a relaxed atmosphere

Q. Is company trying to test the candidate’s integrity( give a sample question if possible)?
A. Generally no specific questions, but yes through personal questions and other details your integrity is under scrutiny.

Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the interview?
A. Company tries to assess subject knowledge & analytical skills

Q. What type of environment is there during the interview ?
A. Interview is held in quiet relaxed and formal atmosphere.

Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company?
A. Be formal

Q. How does the interview end?
A. Interview panel thanks you for your time.

Q. Does the company repeat interview questions?
A. Not really, except the ones like, tell me about yourselff?

Q. How can a candidate better prepare hmself for the interview?
A. Refresh the technical fundamentals and other technical stuff

Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. Since this is a preliminary interview, no spot offers are made in this round,

Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. Candidate should hesitant or stick to one point on an issue.

Final Interview

Q. What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. Generally one-two panelists are there in an interview panel.

Q. How does the interview start?
A. The Interview normally takes off from the previous round.

Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Personal, ethical, superficial technical ones.

Q. Does company create situations akin to ‘stress interview’? Describe some?
A. No, stress interview is generally not there. But sometimes it might be there.

Q. Is company trying to test the candidate’s integrity?
A. No

Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the interview?
A. Company tries to assess the Rechecking the cultural fit and the technical knowledge of the candidate.

Q. What type of environment is there during the interview (tense /relaxed /formal /non-formal)?
A. Relaxed atmosphere is there at the interview.

Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company? (formal /semi formal /informal)?
A. Formal dress

Q. How does the interview end?
A. Interview ends with panelists wishing best of luck, leaving no clues about what was decided

Q. Are interview questions repeated by the company?
A. Generally no.

Q. How can a candidate better prepare himself for the interview?
A. Be Strong in the technical skills, lead the interviewer to skills which the candidate is strong on

Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. No, spot offers are not made.

Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. showing a fixed attitude.

Higher entry

Q. Does company consider higher entry for the candidates with work ex?
A. Yes, there is a higher entry for people with general work experience.

Q. Does company apply any cut off for the work ex or age (if yes what are these?)
A. No, cut off is not applied by the company.

Q. What is the difference between entry level of people with and without work ex?
A. There is no difference of 2-3 years between people at entry level and people with work experience.

Q. In giving the weightage does company look for relevant work ex?
A. Very much, even shortlisting is done on the basis of relevant work ex.


Q. What is the total compensation offered by the company at entry level? and after confirmation?
A. Functional team entry level Rs. 2.25 lakhs at entry level for Engg/graduate + MBA
Tech. Team entry level Rs. 1.6 lakhs for Engg. Graduate
The career path would be :
Functional team
Sr. Associate
Associate consultant
Sr. Consultant
Prin. Consultant

Q. Is salary negotiable?
A. No, salary is not negotiable.

Q. Does company provide accommodation?
A. No

Q. What are the other benefits offered by the company?
A. Apart from the basic salary, all those in sales get performance incentives, which is earmarked as a % of the basic. This is done during the appraisal, which is done semi annually.

Q. What are the job locations? initially / after confirmation?
A. Functional guys are normally stationed at Hyderabad, Chennai and will have to move to client sites when ever projects need them to be there.
These sites may be domestic locations or international ones.


126 ppl 4m 3 clgs were there 4m which 46 were selected 4 G.D. n 21 for P.I. t Finally 12 were selected

SATYAM selection process hd 3 rounds.
1. Written test based on reasonig n quant aptitude.
2.Group Discussion.
3. HR Interview.

It had 15 problems of 1 mark each . A 0.25 negative marking was there for every wrong answer. Total time given was 30 minutes. So, time management is imp.
Lower cut-off=8;
Upper cut-off=11;
so, better it wud b if u attempt 9 or 10 correct n sure shot answers bcos u hv 2 do the risk management.

Type of questions:-
1.Number pyramid (very easy)
2. number series::- 25,30,35,42,45,?,55,66 Ans::- 54
3. algorithm input n out given. U ve 2 find out wat’ll b at 3rd step…its timetakin…so plz leave it.
4. & 5. its on verbal reasoning
6. pie chart simple
7. Seven friends Amar, Madhuri, Jyoti, Sachin, Ram, Tom & Uday made two teams CAT & MICE among them selves. Condition:
i. Iff amar joins Cat, then ram must be in Mice team.
ii.If Tom joins Cat, then Sachin must be in Mice team.
iii.Madhuri & Jyoti can never be in the same team.
iv.Sachin & Tom can never be in the same team.
Q.If Ram is in Cat who will be in Mice?

8. qs 4m compound intrest from R.S. Agrawal
9. If a train of length 150m crosses a man in 12secs then wat time it will take to cross a bridge of 250m length…. Ans 32sec
10. A person always buys rice for Rs 200/- .if price get increased by 10%, then he will take 2 kg less. Then calculate the incresed price of rice …Ans is rs.10
11.If the odds against a 45yr man living upto 60yr is 5:3 and a 36yr woman livin 61yr is 3:2 then wat is the probability that both will live 4 next 25 yrs.the figures R not correct.But the process is:::—-(3/(5+3))*(2/(2+3))
12. Series of figures r there U’ve 2 chhose d next figure…very very easy

13. if 14th January 2004 is on Thursday then wat was the day of 14th jan. 1912
Ans::- 2004-1912= 92+(92/4)=92+23=115=115%7=3 i.e 3 days before i.e Monday
15] It was an interesting Qn If $=’0’ and @=’1’And if we can write 0=$
Then find out average of @@@@ and @@@$$@
Hints: It is like binary digit conversion and u do it. It’s very easy.

GD Most Elimination Round
Some topics are::::—
Ban of petrol n diesel for d sake of pollution
Should education b free upto PG level
Men r Women who R better
N D rest is PI


There were 3 rounds- Apti, GD, Intrvw.
Total students appeared were 573. Around 200 cleared apti round.

There were 15 Ques. in 30 minutes. There was also a neative marking of 25%.
So Friends, BEWARE, EFFICIENCY matters in Satyam. I attempted only 8 Questions and I am sure all were correct. People make mistakes by solving 11+ questions with 3-4 of them incorrect. Your efficiency should be good. Even if you attempt 50% of questions, Be sure about them.

Some of the questions are given below:-
1) The radius of a circle was increased in length by some value. If the increase in circumference is 44 cm, the change in radius is
a)5 b)7 c)3 d)8 e) None of these ANS= b) 7

2) If it takes ‘h’ hours to mow a lawn. Then what part of lawn is mowed in 1 hour?
a)1-h b)1+h c)1/h d) h/(1+h) e)None of these ANS= c) 1/h

3) If 10 oct 2004 was saturday. Then which day will be on 10 oct 1986……..

4) For a given set of numbers as 32, 45, 57, 142, 180, A machine gives following outputs after each step as shown below:
Step 1 33,47,60,146,185
step 2 33,185,60,146,47
step 3 34,185,63,146,52
step 4 52,34,63,146,185
step 5 185,146,63,34,52
If you are given a set of numbers as 7,5,3,9,13, What is the output of machine after step 5 ?
a) b) c) d) e)none of these ANS= e) None of these

5) & 6) Two of these questions were simple english questions based on a small passage individually.

7)Mark the wrong output of following program :-
10 R=2
20 R=R*2
30 E=R*R
40 K=E+2
60 IF R<16 ans=” b)”>

8) A shopkeeper allows a discount of 25% on market price of an item and sells it for Rs 600 and still gains 20%. Find Original price of the item. (Something like this….)

9) The difference between SI & CI on a certain sum of money for 2 yrs at 2 % per annum is Re. 1. The sum is-
a)625 b)670 c)640 d)650 ANS= a) 625.

10) 6 persons out of which 2 are brothers are to be seated in a circular table. How many possible arrangewments would be made such that both of these brothers dont sit together?
a) 21C2 b)21C2-19C2……..(forgot options, Sorry…….)

11) A pyramid-series based question. (Sorry friends! I dont remember it!)

12) Question based on visual ability test. Four figures were there, judge the 5th figure from given options.

13) Given a Quadratic Eqn. aX2 + bX + C =0. (a=0)
The total no. of roots of given eqn can be found by-
a)Using the given condition only
b)Using both statements I & II
c)Using either statement but not the other
ANS= a) Using the given cond. only.

14) A,C,F,J,O,?
a)V b)U c)S d)T e)None of these. ANS= b) U.


Friends! SATYAM’s focus is in GD Rounds. You must be fluent in English with adages and examples on tips to suppport your views. Some of the topics of GD are:-
1 Should Dress Code be there in Engg. colleges or not?
2 Black
3 Should Cell phones be banned inside college campus or not?
4 Is ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ a money game or a knowledge based show?
5 IT Rvolution in INDIA.

There were groups of 10 each with GD time duration of 10 minutes. Some topics were asked by students to be suggested.

Before interviews, they asked to fill a form in which certain questions were asked to be answered, given as below :-
Q) Why SATYAM should hire you? (4 lines)
Q) Where do you see yourself after 5 years? (4 lines)
Q) What makes you aspire for satyam? (4 lines)

Some other details were also to be mentioned there. They dont ask for CV. Only this form is important. But keep one with yourself.
In interviews they checked General awareness (Like IT..). CS and IT students were asked technical questions. For non-IT engineers, they asked that how they can help their company and few technical questions? Also they asked HR questions.


Students appeared:- 400approx.
Aptitude cleared:-108approx.
G.D cleared:-70approx.
Finally selected:-30approx.

1.10th 58%
2. 12th 58%
3. 58%(2 back logs allowed)

There were three rounds:-
1. general aptitude( 15 question/30 minutes)
2. group discussion
3. interview( tech cum HR )

APTITUDE test had negative marking of .25 for wrong answers. correct answers 1 mark

Q1. Question based on venn diagram…..(they gave a ven diagram)
Q2. find the missing no. 40,50,60,48,56,64,?,53,60,44,50,56 (ans:-46)
Q3. find the missing no.
66 66
28 28 28
10 10 10 10
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (ans:-146)

Q4. A thief steals a car and drives at speed 5km/hr. after 1 hr owner in other car chases thief at speed of 8 km/hr. at wat time owner will overtake thief.(not xat question)
Q5. algorithm given..find the wrong output from the options.
Q6. simple interest&compound interest problem
Q8. profit & loss problem
Q9. question on figures like ..find the next figure??
Q10. question n series of numbers….
Q11 & Q12… General english type
(Remaining iam not able to recollect)

Group discussion was on next day. before GD company persons gave a ppt about the company.
Next a group of 10 students were made and sent for GD.
GD topics were:-
1.kerala gods own country kerala industrially backward
3.mullaperyar dam
4.hostellites or day scholars
etc…….all GD topics were related to kerala.

Candidates who cleared the G.D was given a form to fill.this is very important as question from this can come for the interview
me:- may i cumin sir
sir:- yes please be seated
sir:- why did u opt ece in
me:- bla….bla…bla….
sir:- draw circuit diagram of this that etc…..
me:- drawn confidently(was not sure if it was correct)
sir:- would you like to ask any question to me.
me:- aked two questions
few of my frends were asked to write 8086 programs.


The written test paper consited of 15 aptitude questions(including problems of RS Agarwal)(2-ques programs output,2 series problem,1 timerelated problem ,5 aptitude 1 sitting problems, two paragraphs(english) etc)

question paper:-(catagory: written test)

Q1)If the difference in area of the circle is 15sq cm ,the original radius was 5 ,so find out the new radius……….
1)3 2)4 3)6 4)7 ans=7

Q)2 A piramid problem was given like
678 543
? 455 233
36 64 121

solve for ?(see RS AGARWAL for piramid type problems)

Q3) A C program AS whose output was to be calculated

something like that i dont remember…………
Q4)&Q5)A pasage was given u have to choose the right alternative..
Q6)A series problem was given 3,7,12,18___,33. ans=25
Q)7 A leap year problem was given as u have to find out the calender day of the particular date.
Q8)A simple problem including the CP,SP,MP,ROFIT was given.
Q9)A diagram with choose the correct figues.

rest questions i dont remember!!!


Topic which I got:CORRUPTION IN INDIA ,methods to avoid it ,preventions,remedies etc…….
time alloted 10 min ,group size=10 selection 0–3 per group. TOTAL SELECTION :211/622

My interview was mainly a technical interview. They didn’t asked me the favorite subjects but started asking about the DBMS, OOPS, JAVA,C. questions which were asked to me were:
Q1) TELL me something about yourself?
Q2)Who are Srivastava people …history about srivastava……..
Q3)What is DBMS?
Q5)WHAT are normal forms?
Q6)what is difference between BCNF& 3NF?
Q7)HE gave me the table and asked to write the query of reference key,count,sum…..
Q8)ALTER query?
Q9)What is main signature?
Q11)WAHT is the difference between procedue and function?
Q13)Given a class CAR give its aggregation and generalization?
Q14)What are beans? explain its properties?
Q15)WHAT are drivers?difference between type 2 and type 3 drivers.?
Q16)Why should i pick u?
Q17)What is the diffence between call by value and call by reference?



It was an usual aptitude done by satyam always,15 questions in 30 minutes and it is quite easy. one was coding, and some was numerical problems and some were data sufficiency, U can clear aptitude very easily if u r strong in basic formulae

2:Group discussion
Topics in GD are very easy….u should not keep mum and have to speak some valid points and my topic was whether today parents are enforcing only on children’s academics or they r allowing to become all rounder…. i talked abt they r allowing….. u can clear gd if u have basi communication and some valid points over the topic.

3:HR + Tech:
My hr round was very cool, usual questions like tell abt urself n i was asked abt my project in my college exhibition and they asked for my certificates for that………


Day1:- Around 2000+ people took the test n it was really difficult for them to conduct it rather. So we were scheduled to write the test in the second batch. the paper consists of 15 questions n v have got 30 mins to answer them.

1) some basic program
2)find the missing no 2,5,28,257,3126…
soln:- 1^1+1,2^2 +1,….6^6+1

3) logical reasonin like miss dennis says engg students r lazier compared to others.(easy one)
4)if a beats b by x1 and a beats c by x3 then?
b) x1>x3
d)none of these
ans c

5) problem on blood relationship
6)dhruv can go to his school by bus,subway or by walk. he can either go to regular classes or early classes. before he goes to the college, he likes to have hot chocolate or orange juice. in how many ways can tis be done?
ans 12 (2*3*2)

7) guess the output problem
8) no pyramid
9) logical reasonin(some terrorists…)
10)some clock problem like a clock loses 25% and gains 30% on days if the time is 1:00 now wats the time after some days. the prob is in rs agarwal.
11) some square problem. the ans is 2n^2
12) partnership problem
13) i bought two cameras for 8200. one of em is sold at 10% loss n the other at 15% gain.if done so the price of cameras are the same. find the cost of the cameras. ans c

guys plz note that u tick the right answer. dont do guessin games cos of negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer!!!!!. u do have an upper cut off. usually the cut off is 7. Answer 8-9 questions confidently, you’ll be in.

we finished the test by 1230 n had to wait for the results. The results were out by 4. hopefully my name was in the list. Around 250 students were shortlisted for GD.

Day2:- The shortlisted students were divided into 25 batches(each consisting of ten for Gd).
the topics in the gd were
1) Are women better managers than men.
2) love marriage vs arranged marriage
3) does sania mirza deserve that hype
4) mercy killing
5) terrorism in india
6) should politicians be educated.
7) are men better cooks than women
8) should sehwag play in the team.
9) should dravid be the captain of our team
10) brand name or hard cash( it companies)
11) ragging
12) should cell phones be banned in the coll ?
13)can computers replace teachers. etc etc….

the topic given to us was love marriage vs arranged. four of them were eagerly waitin to inin the gd. but it turn`d to a fish mArket. i remained silent n note down some valuable points n expressed some strong points. (guys plz dont fight or try to dominate you`ll lose points . Rather giving a chance to ur team mates will add points.). finally i took an opportunity n concluded the gd. experss ur ideas in a better way n be confident in a gd.dont interfere when some body is speakin. u`ll be marked down for it too.
well the results for gd were out n i was the only guy in my batch who was selected. the rest were turned down. plz watch out in a gd. 130 were short listed the personal interview.

I was called to attend the interview at 6 in the evenin after a long wait. i’ll share some experiences with u. i knocked the door and went in after 5 secs.

inter:-hi!! how was the day
me:- it was really gr8 maam.(full smiles).
int:-take ur seat
me:- thank u maam.
int:- tell me somethin abotu urself
me:- blah blah…
int:- that was a nice description abt ur self. tell me somethin wat u’ve not mentioned in ur resume
me:- i have a work exp with firstsource.(it was a bpo where i worked as a part timer).
int :- oh!! tats gr8. tell me abt ur company
me:- blah blah
int:- tell me abt ur experience in the corporate world
me:- it was really great workin wid first source t. takin calls is pretty challengin. understandin the call scenarios gave a great exp n boost my
confidence levels.
int:- y do u aspire to join satyam
me:-” leaders are not found in flock, they r always alone” is an old sayin. but at satyam everyone is a leader. i wa s really empowered by the spirit of thinkin like a CEO etc.etc..
int:- wat do u know abt the company?
me:- full description n was pretty impressive.

I WAS ASKED ABT TECHNICAL STUFF which was really minimal.
some questions ask`d were write a flow chart for binary search, wat r recursive functions, virtual functions, polymorphism, software engg models(as i`m a cs guy). i was able to answer all the question s easily.

Finally, do u have any questions???
me:-dov need to sign a contract/bond as other companies ask for?
int:-s,i`ll ask the aparna(hr) to get back to u on tis issue.
me:- where`ll v be posted to?
int:- anywhere in the world except antartica!!!!!!!!( full smiles)
me:- thank u maam
int:- it was pleasure meetin a person like u
me:- thanks mam, have a pleasent evenin

SATYAM Placement Papers


Mahindra Satyam was an Indian information technology services company based in Hyderabad, India, offering software development, system maintenance, packaged software integration and engineering design services.