VeriFone Placement Paper
Company: VeriFone
VERIFONE Question Paper 4 2005
there will be 45 qstns. 15+5+5+5+5+5+5.
section: electronics:
1.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.
2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.
3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes
for a state to change. 4*10=40.
4.impedence of a p’lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.
5.serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.
5.if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.
6.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.
7.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.
8.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other
stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think
should be.
another 6 qstns are there. simple.
1.the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.
2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encription.
3.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.
4.which of the following is not used for client/server.
RPC, TCP/IP, MESSAGEQs None ans:may be none.
1. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in Database design is very important.
2. SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.
1.Data structure used to impliment a menu: doubly linked circular linked list.
2. some regular expression is given:WaW’.may be it is context free grammar.
1.the feature of real time os is: fast context swithing.
2.os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).
some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors etc.
one of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are
simple only.
depends on the member.(Mr.Deep if he comes asks archirect of 586/486/386/286
etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP . they hv taken 21(18btechs+3mtechs).
ok if u hv any queries ask immediately.
VeriFone Placement Paper