Subex Systems Placement Paper
Company: Subex Systems
I am Sambit from Eastern Academy of Science and Tehnology, Bhubaneswar. I had recently attended the SUBEX that had occur in KIIT.
The selection process was
1.technical test
2.technical interview by junoir project leader
3.technical interview by senoir poject leader..
TECHNICAL TEST comprises of 2 test consists of 6 sets of papers…
One paper consists of some programm and u have to detect the out put…and some choice were provided…
Another paper consists of 2 questions and u have 2 write any one… time alloted was 1hr 5 mins…
SO u have 2 do carefully 2 complete it..BOTH….
I had the SET1 and SET 3 ….
The question was very tricky but quite easy.. Its compulsory that u have 2 do both paper in time..
I remembered some of the question…//u have 2 detect output///
int main()
int a[4]={1,2,3,4};
int *ptr ;
int main
struct node
int a,b,c;
struct node s={3,5,6};
struct node*pt=&s;
#define max 20
int main()
int i,b[]={1,2,3,4,5},*p;
int i=20;
int main()
char*name =”name”;
change (name);
char * nm=”new name”;
Some were from obj type on C++ like virtual function, inheritance…
In second paper 2 programm was given 2 write on
1. Find count of common word, which exixt in 2 files..the file name should be taken as o/p….
2. write ‘delete node’ to delete all the nodes containing a given no. of linked list…..
sruct node
INT i;
STRUCT node*next;
struct node * delete node(struct nodes* start,cons int i;);
Have a good knowledge in C,C++
Subex Systems Placement Paper