Company: syntel Services Pvt. Ltd
Hello, This is preeti.It was a open campus drive.I have gone through all the rounds
of syntel & by the grace of God I have been selected in syntel. I am here giving u
the pattern of question paper & questions asked in interviewes.
There are 3 rounds in syntel:
1:Written test paper with eassy writting
2:HR(elimination round)
3:Technical inter.
Written::50 questions for 45 minutes
Q1 to Q5 Analogy
Eg 1Hourse:Mare::Husband:?
options:: wife,daughter…….etc
2 ) Doct.:treatment::advocate:? Like this
further they have given some jumbled letters and we have to put that into a
correct sequence
Eg: KAAABHSR =43335126
options: 12345633
51324363(Correct option)=(Ans BHASKARA)
Next 5 questions : a puzzle was given :
Puzzle: There r 6 teachers ABCDE & a&b is teaching history &english b&c is
teaching maths&hindi & so on……………….
Q: How many teachers r teaching maths?
Q: How many r taking more than 2 subjects? etc (Easy but concentrate with time
management )
Next 5 questions were from aptitude:
Time &Work(Go through R.S Agarwal) easy but Logic must me clear to U
Next 10 Q were the tabulation Problem similar to one given in the R.S Agarwal(Go
through it)Now VERBAL PART (15 QUESTIONS)
Fill in the blanks(3-4Q)
Fill with appropriate articles.
Vocab: a word was given & we have to choose from the given options its opposite
or its related meaning(Little vocab Power required)
After this 10 minutes were given to us for eassy writting.
Results were announced after 6 hrs & out of 1300 students 200 students were
shortlisted for HR round
Advice ::Go through all the core questn.
q asked to me:
SHE: Speak about UR self for 1 min.
She: Tell me UR biggest strength U feel proud with
I: told
She: Biggest weakness
I: told
she :told me to discuss the topic given for eassy
She: Asked for queries
To my some friends other questions asked were Talk abt UR hairstyle
What will u do if U will be given the powers similar to God for 1 day? etc Depends
Lots of people got eliminaed from HR
There were 2 panels 4 technical inter. They had our written test paper with them
.My interviewer asked me 2 solve the questions from written test paper
I: Good afternoon sir.
He: Stood up & shaked hands with me & introduced himself.
He: Have a seat preeti
Checked my resume & all the certificates.Futher he asked me to solve the Q from written test paper.
Further he helped in a q i was uncomfortable with & given me another q similar to
that also asked me some more Q to related logic.He asked me about my
teachnical skills & asked me 1 Q from loops.He also asked for questions 4 him.
Again he shaked hands with me & said “Preeti looking forward to see U at pune”.
So I had a strong hope for my result.The interviewers were so polite &
cooperative just B what U R. final selections were 51 out of 200.
Never ever loose UR heart .GOD is great & their is always a second oppurtunity.(It
was my 5th campus) “ALL THE BEST”
Ok bye see u at SYNTEL (consider IT done)