Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Examination Exam Paper 2005 Thyristor A has rated gate current of 2A and thyristor B a rated gate current of 100 mA- a) A is a GTO and B is a conventional SCR b) B is a GTO and A is a conventional SCR c) […]
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd Placement Papers
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Placement Paper 2014
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Placement Paper 2014 Major advantage of TWT over a klystron lies in its ? a) higher bandwidth b) higher output c) higher frequency d) higher gain Answer: d) The op-map circuit shown in the given figure can be used for ? a) addition b) subtraction […]
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Question Paper 2005
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Question Paper 2005 Program execution hierarchy decides which operator- a) is most important b) is used first c) is fastest d) operators on largest number Answer: c) (375)10 = (?-)8 a) 550 b) 557 c) 567 d) 577 Answer: c) To obtain 2048 8 memory […]
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers 2012 Question Papers
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd When a piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 800 K then the resistance of – a) Each of them increases b) Each of them decreases c) Copper increases and germanium decreases d) Copper decreases and germanium increases When a signal of 10 mV […]
BSNL JTO Model Test Paper For 2009 Examinations
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL JTO Model Test Paper For 2009 Examinations If the voltage applied across a capacitance is triangular in waveform then the waveform of the current is a) Triangular b) Trapezoidal c) Sinusoidal d) Rectangular Answer : d. One of the following statement which is true for relative dielectric constant is […]
BSNL JTO 2005 EXAM Question Paper 2005
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL JTO 2005 EXAM Question Paper 2005 When a piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 800 K then the resistance of – a) Each of them increases b) Each of them decreases c) Copper increases and germanium decreases d) Copper decreases and germanium […]
BSNL EXAM 2005 Question Paper
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd Maxwell?s loop current method of solving electrical networks ? a) uses branch currents b) utilizes kirchhoff?s voltage law c) is confined to single-loop circuits d) is a network reduction method Answer: b) A transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 = 50 ohms, phase velocity Vp = 2 x 108 m/s […]
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Examination Test Paper 2005
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Junior Telecom Officers (JTO) Examination Test Paper 2005 When a piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 800 K then the resistance of – a) Each of them increases b) Each of them decreases c) Copper increases and germanium decreases d) Copper decreases […]
BSNL Junior Telecom Officers 2013 Question Papers with Answers
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL Junior Telecom Officers 2013 Question Papers with Answers If the voltage applied across a capacitance is triangular in waveform then the waveform of the current is- a) Triangular b) Trapezoidal c) Sinusoidal d) Rectangular Answer is :- Rectangular 1. One of the following statement which is true for relative […]
BSNL JTO Examination Question Paper Year 2008
Company: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd BSNL JTO Examination Question Paper Year 2008 BSNL JTO Examination Question Paper Year 2008 1. For a parallel plate capacitor which is being charged out of the following the incorrect statement is a. Energy stored in the capacitor does not enter it through the connecting wire through the space around […]