Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers Company: Blue Star Infotech Paper Format:-Paper 1 : AptitudePaper 2: Technical Paper. Paper 2 has following 2 sections:-Section A: It has four sub sections, out of which two have to be done.Section B: General Computers Awareness.The Subsections of Section A are:-Subsection A: C & Unix.Subsection B: C++.Subsection C: VB/ASP/Com.Subsection D: […]
Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers
Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers
Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers Company: Blue Star Infotech HP Placement PapersSection A. ——50qns(general appitude,english etc):Section B. —— 10 Questions on Computer concepts.Section C. —— 30 Questions on C1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1=”123″,N2=”478″,N3=-355(N1-N2).3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array […]
Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers
Blue Star Infotech Placement Papers Company: Blue Star Infotech Blue Star Infotech Ltd. (BSIL) 1. Complete the series1 6 3 7 5 8 7 ?Ans: 9 2. If circle is one octagon is2 4 6 8 or 10 3. Pick the odd one out Bend shave chop whittle shearAns bend. 4. 2 persons start from […]
Blue Star Placement Papers
Blue Star Placement Papers Company: Blue Star Infotech Blue Star Infotech Ltd (BSIL) BlueStar Infotech Placement Paper (Technical, GD & Interview) Section I- GD Topics 1. What should India to improve its winning chances against Australia in forthcoming tour. 2. America ’s War on Iraq . 3. Freedom of Press. 4. Latest developments on India-Pakistan […]
Blue Star infotech Placement Paper
Blue Star infotech Placement Paper Company: Blue Star Infotech Blue Star Infotech Ltd (BSIL) After clearing aptitude there was technical paper. It had 2 sections. In section A there were 4 subsections out of which 2 were to be attempted. the first subsection was on c and UNIX , second on c++, third on vb […]
Blue Star Placement Papers
Blue Star Placement Papers Company: Blue Star Infotech Blue Star Infotech Ltd (BSIL) Blue Star Placement Paper Conducted on 2004 (Analytical & C) 1. Complete the series 1 6 3 7 5 8 7 ?Ans: 9 2. If circle is one octagon is 2 4 6 8 or 1 3. pick the odd one out […]
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper Company: Blue Star Blue star paper has got 2 sections. Firstly u need to clear the aptitude test. It is very easy. Some of the ques are as follows: 1.complete the series 1 6 3 7 5 8 7 ?ans: 9 2. if circle is one octagon is 2 4 […]
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper Company: Blue Star Infotech BLUESTAR INTERVIEW 1st Round – GD – Topics – 1. What should India to improve its winning chances against australia in forthcoming tour.2. America’s War on Iraq.3. Freedom of Press.4.Latest developments on India-Pakistan peace process.5.Effect of tv on society.Each group was given two topics and they […]
Bluestar Placement Paper
Bluestar Placement Paper Company: Blue Star Infotech Bluestar – Placement sample paper format Paper 1 : AptitudePaper 2: Technical Paper. Paper 2 has following 2 sections:-Section A: It has four sub sections, out of which two have to be done.Section B: General Computers Awareness. The Subsections of Section A are:-Subsection A: C & Unix.Subsection B: […]
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper
Blue Star Infotech Placement Paper Company: Blue Star Infotech Blustar Infotech Paper – 1 APTITUDE SECTION 1.complete the series1 6 3 7 5 8 7 ?ans: 9 2. if circle is one octagon is 2 4 6 8 or 10 3.pick the odd one out bend shave chop whittle shearans bend. 4. 2 persons start […]