Company: Cadence 10 related to s/w & then 10 related to h/w & 55 aptitude ——————— Technical part ——————– 1. ans:O(n**2) 2. in-order & preorder seq. of tree is given & you have to find out post order.. very easy but do practice you can make one easy method by practice.. 3. problem on pass […]
Cadence Placement Papers
Cadence Placement Paper
Cadence Placement Paper Company: Cadence Cadence India Placement Paper Technical 1.In assembler relocatable code generated by ?!!??asn: indirect addressing v,u;while(v != 0){t = v % u;v = u;u = t;}find the time complexity of the above program. C language question: 3.x is passed by reference, y passed by value.x = 3, y = 2;foo(x, […]
Cadence Placement Paper on 2010
Cadence Placement Paper Company: Cadence Cadence 75 Marks Paper Time Limit 1.15 H10 related to s/w & then 10 related to h/w & 55 aptitude. Technical Part 11. Ans: O (n**2)2. In order & preorder seq. of tree is given & you have to find out post order.. very easy but do practice you can […]
Cadence Placement Paper
Cadence Placement Paper Company: Cadence Cadence A sequence is given. You should find out error & write correct 1 2 5 10 13 26 29 48.Ans: Error is 48,there you should write 58. 2,3 6,7 14,15 29,46. Error is 46. In every pair you add 1 to getsecond number.Ans: 29+1=30 A girl is 13’Th highest, […]
Cadence Placement Papers
Cadence Placement Papers Company: Cadence Cadence 1. What does chmod 654 stands for. 2. Which of following is used for back-up files?(a) Compress (b) Tar (c) make (d) all the above Ans : b 3. What does find command do? Ans : search a file 4. What does ” calloc” do?Ans : A memory allocation […]
Cadence Placement Papers
Cadence Placement Papers Company: Cadence Cadence In assembler relocatable code generated by …!!??Ans: indirect addressing int v,u;while(v != 0){t = v % u;v = u;u = t;}find the time complexity of the above program. x is passed by reference, y passed by value.x = 3, y = 2;foo(x, y)var integer x, y;{x = x + […]
Cadence Placement Papers 2010
Cadence Placement Papers 2010 Company: Cadence Cadence 1. Inorder and preorder trees (expressions) are given and postorder tree (expression) is to be found out. 2. int v,u;while(v != 0){t = v % u;v = u;u = t;}find the time complexity of the above program. 3. x is passed by reference, y passed by value.x = […]
Cadance Placement Paper
Cadance Placement Paper Company: Cadence Paper : Cadance Placement Paper Pattern (2006) assembler relocatable code generated by …!!??Ans : indirect addressing 2. int v,u;while(v != 0){t = v % u;v = u;u = t;}find the time complexity of the above program. 3. x is passed by reference, y passed by value.x = 3, y […]
The selection process is as follows Aptitude test :
Company: Cadence The selection process is as follows Aptitude test : 100 questions 25 minutes. No negative marks. All simple questions but the condition is you have to answer all with in time. So try to answer all questions. Technical TEST 70 questions 40 minutes Areas covered are networks,OS,RDBMS(more questions),C Apps(5 questons),Some electronics based questions. […]
Cadance Corporation offers a full range of support services
Company: Cadence Profile In 1997, Cadance Corporation was established with the goal of providing comprehensive Information Technology (IT) solutions for small to medium sized companies. Towards that end, we have aligned ourselves with several of the “best of breed” solution providers, including IBM, Lotus, Hewlett Packard, and Cisco. These alliances allow Cadance Corporation to provide […]