Posted inPlacement Papers

CSC PAPER JUN 17th 2010

Company: CSC Financial Service Pvt Ltd Aptitude Technical Group Discussion Technical HR Personal Interview WRITTEN TEST (MAJOR ELIMINATION TAKES PLACE, SO, CONCENTRATE MUCH ON THIS) I. APTITUDE In this round, they asked 40 questions in 40 minutes which includes Two from Venn diagram, (easy) One from probability, 3*3 Sudoku like below, (very easy) 8 2 […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

CSC Placement paper

CSC Placement paper Company: CSC Financial Service Pvt Ltd 1.C# is a native language of:A.Java B. .Net C.Visual Basic2.What is IMP in Objective CA.Implementation pointer B.Important Pointer C.Intended Pointer 3.The width in bits of double primitive type in Java is –. Select the one correct answer.1. The width of double is platform dependent 2. 64 […]