HP Hewlett-Packard Placement Paper Company: HP Hewlett Packard 1.the paper was totally filled with C.2.some programs were given and u are asked for the output.3. give the o/p of the following programs>>> a)main() { printf(”%d”, scanf(”%d%d”, printf, scanf)); }1)22)2 23)04)errorb)there was a program of swaping by pointer (check it out)c)main() {char *p=”quick”; char q[]=”sort”; char […]
HP Hewlett Packard Placement Papers
Hewlett Packard Interview Questions
Company: HP Hewlett Packard HP interview questionsbut it depends on who takes ur interview1 tell @ urself2 ur fav. prog. language3 write string compare program in C (optimize it)4 what is DML in oracle.5 what is RDBMS? howz it different from DBMS?4 What is abstraction? is it only in OOP or in C too? can […]
Hewlett Packard Interview Questions
Company: HP Hewlett Packard i gone through 3 interviews, two technical and one hr first is on project,os, unix, networks, micro processor, c, software engineering second on micro processor,c, software engineering and some general hr is just for formal to give offer letter. first interview first question is as usual, tell me about yourself. They […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper Kolkatha
Company: HP Hewlett Packard Section A. ——50qns(general appitude,english etc):Section B. —— 10 Questions on Computer concepts.Section C. —— 30 Questions on C 1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1=”123″,N2=”478″,N3=-355(N1-N2).3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5×20,accept strings and checkfor vowels and […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper May 2006
Company: HP Hewlett Packard HP PATTERN – MAY 2006HP has 3 rounds1.Preliminary-consists of 4 sections namely english,reasoning,aptitude and comprehension. English-just preliminary consisting of articles,jumbled up sentences, antonyms & synonyms etc. Reasoning-this is the part which most students found to be the tough eventhough half of the questions were very easy.I will specify the ones which […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper
Company: HP Hewlett Packard HP PAPER PATTERN ON 11th AUGUST 2006 AT MANIPAL 3 Rounds of interview1-Written Test2-Technical3-Hr Round 1-Written Test 4 parts First part was Engish.There was a comprehension and aticle and preposition filling and synonyms and rearranging the sentences. Sceond part was analytical reaoning- set theory,cubes and age. Third part- verbal and non-verbal […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper on September
Company: HP Hewlett Packard This is doing final year B-Tech in KITS,Warangal. Hewlett Packard(HP) has conducted recruitment at our college. The selection process is as follows: Section-1: English 20Questions 20minSection-2: Aptitude 30Questions 30minSection-3: Numerical Ability 30Questions 20minSection-4: Reading Comprehension 10Questions 20min Numerical ability consists of simple mathematical calculations.For Aptitude just solve RS Agarwal.In Reading Comprehension, […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper
Company: HP Hewlett Packard 80 Que 75 minutes 40 Que on cse subjects They mainly concentrated on OS(Important),FAFL,DBMS,SS,UNIX(only 2 que),c++,Network(Basic) 20 Que on c. 20 Que on Aptitude+English+Logical Preparation: For C,C++–> Test ur C,C++ skills by Yashvanth kanithakarFor Java–> any good book.Pattern:48Q totally12Q in General computer test?(Concentrate more on ceo’s and founders of HP,Microsoft,intel,sap etc..)It […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper Sep 2003
Company: HP Hewlett Packard For RecruitersHire ProgrammersSearch Resume DBPublish JobsAdvertise with usRecruitment Solutions TestimonialsAshish ChatterjeeI could not get a job due to the recession. I was getting no calls. My friend referred me to freshersindia. Their quality of training surpassed my expectations. I got a job in just 2 months after joining their PHP course. […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper 21 Oct 2003 Bangalore
Company: HP Hewlett Packard I attended the test conducted on 21st of oct at their office 29,Cunningham Road. There were 80 q’s to be answered in 75mins unlike the previous ones. there were 3 sectionsPART- 1 –> 40 q’s (Fundamental computer Concepts, includes OS,N/w , protocols)PART-2 –> 20 q’s (Purely C ) — bit tricky […]