Company: HP Hewlett Packard This is doing final year B-Tech in KITS,Warangal. Hewlett Packard(HP) has conducted recruitment at our college. The selection process is as follows: Section-1: English 20Questions 20minSection-2: Aptitude 30Questions 30minSection-3: Numerical Ability 30Questions 20minSection-4: Reading Comprehension 10Questions 20min Numerical ability consists of simple mathematical calculations.For Aptitude just solve RS Agarwal.In Reading Comprehension, […]
HP Hewlett Packard Placement Papers
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper
Company: HP Hewlett Packard 80 Que 75 minutes 40 Que on cse subjects They mainly concentrated on OS(Important),FAFL,DBMS,SS,UNIX(only 2 que),c++,Network(Basic) 20 Que on c. 20 Que on Aptitude+English+Logical Preparation: For C,C++–> Test ur C,C++ skills by Yashvanth kanithakarFor Java–> any good book.Pattern:48Q totally12Q in General computer test?(Concentrate more on ceo’s and founders of HP,Microsoft,intel,sap etc..)It […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper Sep 2003
Company: HP Hewlett Packard For RecruitersHire ProgrammersSearch Resume DBPublish JobsAdvertise with usRecruitment Solutions TestimonialsAshish ChatterjeeI could not get a job due to the recession. I was getting no calls. My friend referred me to freshersindia. Their quality of training surpassed my expectations. I got a job in just 2 months after joining their PHP course. […]
Hewlett Packard Placement Paper & Interview
Company: HP Hewlett Packard Hai,I am very pleased to say that i got into HP. The written test was quiet easy. There were 4 sections each containing 12 questions and duration 1 hr. 1st—–General Knowledge1.who is chief of Dell computers(Michael Dell)2.which is low cost common man’s PC (Simputer)3.In 2002, HP acquired a company (Compaq) and […]
HP(Hewlett Packard) Placement Paper
Company: HP Hewlett Packard The test consists of 4 sectionsTotal 48 questions12Q – general computer knowledge12Q – computer science(dbms,networks,os) concepts like questions on paging,12Q – c/c++ questions12Q – java questions The question paper had 48 questions to be answered in 1hr. Time will be quite sufficient. They have different sets(3) of question papers. I had […]