Company: IBM India Pvt Limited 1. FLOP is the unit of – I)clock speed, ii)frequency….i ii)memory, iv)processors speed. 2. main() { printf(hello); main(); } how many times it will print? 3. complexity of heap sort(ans:o(nlogn). 4. what will be the o/p? int main() { char a,b; printf(“%d%d%d%d”,sizeof(‘A’), sizeof(‘NULL’), sizeof(‘a’), sizeof(main)); } 5. necessity of pairty […]
IBM India Pvt Limited Placement Papers
IBM Sample Paper III
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited IBM Latest paper here are 2 sections Aptitude and technical . Each Comprises of 20 qs Aptiutude: 1)two clocks meet at 12.Next time they meet again after Ans 65.45 2)Soldiers form a square .Initially 32 soldiers left.Then 8 .After they could not form a square.Total at the beginning options 100,81,49,67 […]
IBM Sample Paper IV
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited IBM Test Paper Technical part is easy we can finish in 20 mins. Aptitude was tough out of nearly 100 members, they shorlisted 35 candidates for interview process. I 1. In 1930 a man’s age is the last 2 digit of the year intercganged in which he born and his […]
IBM Sample Paper V
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited ) I give a jcl code with Programmer name: smith Jobname:ABC Jobclass=c Message class = a All messages are to be displaced code it in a JCL. A) //ABC,smith,class=c,message class=a,message level=(2,1) B) //ABC,smith,class=c,message class=a,message level =(!,1) C) //ABC,smith,class=c,message class=a,message level=(0,1) D) none of these. 2) for a cobol program Move […]
IBM Sample Paper VI
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited 1. 10^10^10 how much time will it take to write this number,if it takes 1 sec to write 1 digit. a. 1000 secs. b. 10 year. c. more than 1 million years. d. a few days. ans. more than 1 million years. 2. starting from 2 upto how many numbers […]
IBM Placement Paper – Aug 2003
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited Placement Paper of IBM – Aug 03 Here with I am sending you few questions from the IBM exam held at Bangalore on 23/08/2003. The paper contains total 40 questions. Duration 1 hour. 20 ques from apptitude (R.S.Agarwal is more than enough for IBM apps.) 20 questions from technical OS, […]
IBM Interview Questions – June 2003
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited The test consisted of 40 qs. A time limit of 60 min was given. It had 20 aptitude and 20 technical qs. For the aptitude part, if you prepare from R.S. Agarwal, that is sufficient. And for the technical part, the questions were from a wide variety of subjects including […]
IBM Test Pattren Paper
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited The written test consists of two sections each of 45 minutes duration Section#1 This is the aptitude section consisting of 45 questions to be attempted in 45 minutes. As is in all the exams, this section is based on the MBA pattern of examination. Section#2 his is the technical section. […]
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited hi friends ,my name is kartheek studying BTECH(EEE) in vellore institute of technology. Last month IBM came to our college selected 64 students . IBM written paper was very easy.(Its patteren same as CTS and HP).Because test conducted merit trac company. 5 questions on ven diagrams 5 questions on $,* […]
IBM interview Question Feb 2006
Company: IBM India Pvt Limited Hi I have selected in IBM conducted on 4 & 5 feb, 2006. Thanks to all who helps me. After 13 unsuccessful try I got my dream job. Its my 1st aptitude clear. Don’t worry, keep patience. U will definetely get success. What I faced in interview & apptitude given […]